Chapter 30- Warrior of Justice, Aya!

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As soon as Y/N closed her eyes, the night went away in a flash. Once she opened them, it was now a day. The sun was slowly coming up above the buildings, but surely. Had she woken up at a decent hour? Does she have enough time to wake up fully? Those questions were quickly answered when she heard a knock on the door. The woman head turned her head to the clock beside her bed. 8:34. Kunikida had told her to meet him at the agency at 8:10. Of course, she was late. Not only that, but she was late to leave to go to her hometown. Y/N threw the sheets off of her legs and jumped into her shorts.

Another knock at the door sounded as the woman skipped down the small hall that led to the doorway. "Coming..coming." She placed her hand on the knob until hesitation overthrew her. Y/N was currently wearing very loose, but tiny, shorts. Along with a t-shirt that was far too big on her. The person on the other side of the door was most likely Kunikida, who was also most likely wearing his typical formal sandy vest. Nono, she couldn't go out and see him with the way she was looking. Not to mention he'll know she just got up, thus being unprepared.

"L/N-san?" The man's voice made her jump. The woman was making him wait even longer, this wasn't good.

"Uh, sorry! I'll be out in a second, I just need to...grab a few things!" She called out to him without opening the door. Right, so she would have to get ready at the same time it would take her to "grab a few things." She was fast, she could do this.

She did not do it. However, it took her around 7 minutes to get ready, so it wasn't too bad. Y/N frantically grabbed her small bag for the trip and opened the front door. "HI! Sorry-"

The first thing she noticed was his outfit change. He was not wearing his normal wear as she expected, no. It was a black turtleneck, underneath a long, dark brown, coat. The man's shirt was tucked into his grayish pants.

"You're alright, Ranpo was having a hard time taking the train to the agency anyways. You weren't the only one we were waiting on." Kunikida reassured her with a smile as he took Y/N's back from her hands.

"But, what about your schedule?" Y/N knew how seriously Kunikida took his plan for the day. She'd hate if she were the reason that he was behind.

"I scheduled it with the thought that people may be late. We're scheduled to leave at 9:00, so we'll be right on time if we leave now." He explained. Of course, the man was prepared for anything.


Sheesh, why was high school so difficult? Semester exams were far too close for comfort, and she had no one to study with! She hadn't seen the old man in a year, so the student no longer had her private math tutor. What a jerk, always prioritizing his work over her. Well, saying that out loud, makes her sound like the jerk after all. She didn't need him anyway! She was a strong independent woman! Of course, the warrior of justice! That will always be her name. Ever since the incident two years ago, she had become a better person. The girl supposed she could thank the blonde for that.

Her mind went off-topic, why was it so cold?! Oh right, she forgot her coat, naturally. The girl sighed as she looked up at the street sign, it looked familiar. She wondered why, but the chills on her skin made her mind focus only on her body temperature. The girl pouted her lips, although her teeth were still chattering. She turned her head to the side and across the street, then blinked. Holy, was that really him? He was wearing different clothes, where was he going? Oh, probably to work. That's where she recognized the street name from! She'd always go this way to go to the agency building. Perhaps she should've said hello, cause who wouldn't want a lovely greeting from a young independent woman?

"OII!!" The blonde flinched at hearing her voice. He slowly turned his head to one who was making a racket across the street. Kunikida sighed, then continued to walk.

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