Chapter 39 - A Schedule

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(A/N- Just a reminder that the end of chapter 38 was edited. If you have not read the updated version, I recommend doing that. Also sorry this was posted a little later than anticipated. Anyways, enjoy reading!! <3)

Finding multiple jobs to do in Yokohama was surprisingly easy. Y/N wasted no time in finding different things that would fill her schedule. She would only work at the agency for a couple of hours, considering she wasn't an official employee yet. Unlike all the others, the job was not a normal 9 to 5 workday; it was more like being an intern. Everything on terms of her working at the agency was still on hold since she did not have real ability.

Her schedule had gone as written:

6:00: Wake up and prepare for the day

8:00 - 12:00: Morning shift at the local supermarket.

13:00 - 15:00: Physical training and gun work at the ADA w/ Kunikida (At times, the President would chime in and give tips.)

16:30 - 22:30: Waitress job at the diner across town. (If the days were busy, her shift would last till 24:00)

23:00: Estimated time to be home.

She didn't mean to sound like the blonde himself, but it was the perfect schedule. Did her small jobs give her good pay?: Not necessarily. Was she beyond exhausted at the end of the day?: Yes, that was the point.

Y/N would use this schedule for the next two weeks. The days started to repeat themselves, almost like how it was when she was younger. Before going on missions for the RBS, it was all the same. This was normal for her, and she didn't particularly mind it.

The woman hugged onto her elbows, trying to shield herself from the freeze. Although she had received a larger coat, her legs were still bare. The skirt that had gone to her knees and a short-sleeved shirt with puffed sleeves that were worn underneath her coat didn't give much protection either. Her high heels would consistently clack on the sidewalk, letting it do so in a rhythm.

Y/N passed by a few strangers. They looked as if they were on the verge of being wasted, if not already. The men were laughing, with some having cigarettes held in between their fingers. Y/N scoffed when she heard a whistle come from the group of men.

"Hey there fine lady, ain't it a little too late for you to be walking around alone?" One of them came up to her, lazily hanging his head to the side. His breath reeked of alcohol and smoke, disgusting.

"Fuck off," Y/N said bluntly. The group of men in the back howled after hearing her comment. The bastard that reeked of alcohol went in front of her to stop the woman in her tracks.

"Ooh, feisty are we? I can tell the boys would love ya." The bastard chuckled and breathed out a puff of smoke in Y/N's face, making the woman scrunch her nose disgusted.

"She looks to be a foreigner too! We've got an exotic one tonight boys.." Another one from the group commented, creeping close behind Y/N.


This had reminded her of the troubles brought onto her back at the rabid dogs. When her body started developing more, the older men of the society decided to take it upon themselves to try and pursue her. Y/N hadn't known much of what was happening at the time, but regardless, Micky would chime in before anything would happen. (Thankfully.)

Her glance was purposely averted away from the bastard. His eyes looked crazed anyway.

"C'mon pretty lady, look at me when I'm talking to you." The bastard reached his hand out to her face, in which Y/N had instinctively grabbed his wrist and twisted it. The bastard cried out, finally able to swat away after Y/N let go of him. "Chill out chill out!! We're just trying to show you a good time..!"

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