Chapter 8- Odd Guilt

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Raindrops started pitter-pattering on the windows as Y/N read a novel she found on the shelf. It was quite an interesting tale. A story of betrayal between loved ones. In the end, they both ended up hurting each other equally. Meaning, they were both in the wrong. Although Y/N grabbed the book to distract herself, it didn't help much. She sighed putting the book down on her lap as she looked out the window.

"What are you reading..?" Y/N heard a calm voice ask her. She turned to her left and found Kunikida sitting there on the other couch. His legs were crossed and he also had a book in hand.

"Oh, I just found it on the shelf, uh let's see..." She looked on the front cover for the first time to see the title. "The two fallen angels." She said in reply. Almost sounded like a dark children's book, although the story wasn't for children at all.

Quick A/N: No, it's not an actual book

"Ah, Dazai had given that to me after he found out what genre I enjoyed the most."

"You like heartbreak, betrayal, kinda stuff?" Y/N asked a little intrigued.

"Quite the opposite actually. I enjoy romantic poetry or literature in general. When Dazai found that out, he took it upon himself to get me a book that was the opposite of what I like; Telling me that it had a very romantic ending. Reading the ending was quite upsetting I'll admit." Kunikida explained looking over at his shelf full of books.

"Seriously? I'm honestly kind of surprised by that.." Y/N said. She never expected him to be into romance. Maybe psychological, or crime, but romance? She thought of it to be a little cute.

"Hm, so that must mean you'd be pretty good in that field hm..?"

"That field?" Kunikida asked a little confused.

"In romance." She responded bluntly. Kunikida stopped in his reading as a sweatdrop slid down his forehead.

"Well, that's.." The young man struggled to find his words.


"I wouldn't.."

"Wait- don't tell you've never at least dated someone before."

"No, can't say that I have."

"SERIOUSLY?" Y/N looked at him shocked. "So you've followed your impossible ideal woman thing your whole life?"

"I mean, no not my whole life. I just never really found the one yet I guess.." He said awkwardly.

"Ah well, I guess your expectations would get pretty high considering you read all that romance," Y/N said. "Hm, well at least your high expectations wouldn't be a problem. Considering you had no one to shut down or reject I'm assuming." She said without any hesitation.

"What..what's that supposed to mean?" Kunikida looked at her confused.

"You're telling me people actually came up to you and confessed their undying love for you?" Y/N teased.

"What...WAIT A SECOND..-" Y/N started laughing as Kunikida came to the gradual realization of the insult. "Are you saying you think people wouldn't have romantic feelings for me regardless of my ideals?!?"He yelled out offended by the comment. It took a couple of seconds for Y/N to calm down her laughter.

"I'm just teasing I'm just teasing," Y/N said smiling playfully at him. "Well I mean, was there someone?" Kunikida paused for a moment.

"No..not really. Uh..what about you? I'm sure a Princess would have some sort of romance in her life."

"Hmm..well." Y/N thought for a moment. She didn't really have much time to love anyone in that way. The only time she even had the slightest amount of romantic feeling was when she was younger. She remembered having a small crush on Micky when they started working together, but those feelings soon died out. "No, can't really say I have."

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