Chapter 14- The First Snow

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And he was gone.

Y/N clenched her shaken fist and gritted her teeth. She started walked back to the door that leads to the agency. As Y/N grabbed onto the knob, she took a deep breath in. As she opened the door, she breathed out.

"Oh! Y/N! I have really good news for you." Yosano called out as soon as Y/N entered the room. Kunikida seemed to have left the area.

"Uh.." Y/N was losing herself to her thoughts for a moment. "Uh, yeah...?" She finally replied.

"There's a way to get Eve out of you." The doctor answered. All of the negative thoughts came out of Y/N's head as soon as she heard this statement. For the first time today, she felt her heart lift.

"Seriously?" She asked excitedly, coming closer to the table the doctor was at. Yosano gave her a soft smile in return.

"Yep, there's a procedure that can be done. Although I can do it now, it's pretty unsafe since I'm not as-"

"Do it now! I'm all for it!" Y/N interrupted, blinded by her joy. Yosano's eyes started filling up with pity, making the young woman question.

"Okay, but there's a serious catch to this that I can't go around. Honestly, I'm so unsure about a lot of this. However, I wanted to let you know it was a plausible option." She started looking at Y/N.

"Okay, well. What is it?" Y/N demanded, eager to get along with the procedure.

Yosano sighed, slowly lifting her eyelids as she brought her sight to Y/N's figure. "Okay, but please pay attention."


Kunikida was walking back to his desk when he noticed Yosano and Y/N chatting at the doctor's desk. Their moods seemed to be serious and full of worry. He swiftly walked on slowly, unintentionally hearing the conversation.

"Please consider," Yosano urged. "From what I've seen, this could bring you extreme immense pain. I'm sure there's even a risk of death with this drug."

"I won't die," Y/N reassured the doctor.

"How are you sure?" Yosano asked.

"I've had this thing my whole life. It won't kill me." Y/N replied turning her head away.

The two ladies had noticed another presence and immediately turned their glances over to Kunikida. He too shifted his gaze over to them. The blonde coughed and adjusted his vest.

"Am I interrupting something?" He questioned starting to walk over to the desk. Y/N looked at Yosano and shook her head, the doctor simply sighed.

"No, nothing at all." The doctor replied with a tired smile.

"Right well good. It's getting quite late and I believe it's time for Y/N and me to leave." Kunikida said looking onto Y/N.

"Ah, okay." Y/N sat up from her seat and glanced over to Yosano. "Thank you." She thanked with a smile. Yosano pursed her lips together, then nodded.

The two adults slid coats onto their bodies, ready to shield them from the incoming winter. Kunikida gave Yosano a small wave, then the two walked out the door.


"Jeez, it's getting colder by the minute Kunikida.." Y/N uttered. She raised her shoulders to her ears and held onto her elbows. The blonde glanced to the side and grinned.

"Ah cmon Y/N, the first snow hasn't even happened yet." He teased.

"It's freezing!!" She cried out pouting her lips at him. Kunikida let out a small laugh but quickly put his hand to his mouth. Although Y/N could still see the wrinkles forming around his eyes. The young woman always seemed to get lost in them, that's why she was trying to avoid them entirely. She shook her head and glanced back in front of her, teeth still chattering. Y/N then felt fabric being placed around her neck. She jumped at first and turned to the source.

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