CHAPTER 2- Obnoxious Princess

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As the detectives watched the men in black leave the agency, a loud sigh was heard from the back.

"Ughh finally! They're gone-!" Y/N groaned out. She took off her shawl and put her feet up on the desk leaning back on her chair. The others looked at her a tad bit shocked at the sudden change of mood she brought. Wasn't this girl just acting chivalrous and modest? The President coughed

"Y/N-sama, as I said before, these three detectives here will be protecting you from your assassin." The boys straightened up their posture remembering the real situation at hand.

"Right right.~ I really don't get why though, I can take care of myself." Y/N put on an annoyed tone and put her hands on the back of her head. She looked irritated.

"With all due respect Princess, not even your military force could protect you." Kunikida reminded her as he pushed up his glasses. Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"Oh please, I'm sure even with those little cheats of powers you all have, you wouldn't be able to protect me half as well as them. Even so, though, they underestimate me. You all do!!" She yelled outpointing her finger at all of them. A sweatdrop slid down Atushi's forehead, a vein pulsed out in Kunikida's cheek, and Dazai smirked. Dazai walked up to Y/N kneeling to where she was sitting. He grabbed her palm and put his other hand in his chest.

"My, such a fierce, independent woman." Dazai started with sparkles around him. Y/N looked a little shocked and confused. Dazai continued.

"It would be my most pleasure to be strangled by these wonderful, soft paHH-" Dazai was interrupted by Kunikida slamming his head into the ground. Y/N widened her eyes as she watched Kunikida yell at Dazai with anger in his eyes. Dazai was simply laughing awkwardly.

"What is it Kunikida~? Ya think I'm stealing your ideal woman~??" Dazai teased. Kunikida tightened his grip on Dazai's collar.

"WHY WOULD THIS WOMAN BE MY IDEAL WOMAN??" Kunikida asked loudly. Dazai smirked.

"Well~ it's supposed to be happening in a few weeks right?" Dazai smiled a derpy smile squinting his eyes at Kunikida. Y/N titled her head.

"Ideal woman..? What's happening in a few weeks?" She wondered out loud. Kunikida stopped strangling Dazai. Was silent for a moment. Stared at Dazai, who was grinning at him. Kunikida gritted his teeth and quickly put Dazai down turning around with his hand on his glasses.

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself wi-"

"The day he meets his ideal woman of course!!" Dazai yelled out interrupting Y/N. He had Kunikida's ideal in hand and gave it to Y/N. Kunikida widened his eyes, going over to them trying to stop Y/N from reading his ideals. Y/N started flipping through the pages with Dazai behind her, looking on with her. Kunikida was about to take the notebook away from her, when Dazai put his hand on Kunikida's face and stopped him. As Y/N flipped through the pages of his ideal, she turned to his ideal woman. She widened her eyes.

"58 REQUIREMENTS TO BE YOUR PARTNER?-" Y/N yelled out to Kunikida. Kunikida finally got through Dazai and snatched the notebook before Y/N could read what the requirements actually were. He backed up a little, then sighed.

"My plans for my future partner is none of your business." He said flipping through the pages eventually putting it in his back pocket. At this point, the President already left all the chaos. Atsushi was just standing there, hoping that they'd be able to protect the Princess with him, Kunikida, and Dazai, all protecting, an extremely obnoxious princess.


At this point for Atsushi, it had been around 2 years since he had joined the agency. He had tackled many cases by himself before, but he was still considered a rookie regardless. With that mindset, it was probably why he felt so nervous to go out shopping with the Princess by himself. Dazai was with them but had left before they even realized it. Was it the fact she was royalty? Or maybe it was her attitude. Made her look intimidating. Atsushi wanted to make conversation but wasn't particularly sure how to. Y/N started speaking while he was in mid-thought, which made him jump.

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