Chapter 35- Broken Wings

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The surrounding buildings were engulfed with flames. Tourists and citizens all alike began to crowd around the area. The fire truck was loading its water spout into a fire hydrant as they prepared to take out the fire.

Y/N panted as she turned the corner to the scene. She caught her breath and continued to look around. There were too many people, it would be difficult to find a small child. The woman found a man who had been watching the firefighters take out the fire. "Excuse me, sir!!" She called him.


"Have you seen a little girl around here? She has very dark brown hair that is usually put into two braids! She's around uh.." Y/N extended her hand out beside her waist. "This tall! And-"

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down." The man interrupted the very animated woman. "There are many children around here that can match that description. How old does she look?"

"She looks 8.." Y/N paused. "But she's 9... and 3/4ths." The man raised a brow at her additional comment. He sighed, placing his hand on his neck and looking to the sky.

"Sorry, I can't think of anyone that matches that description." The man bowed his head, then walked away.

Kunikida and Ranpo caught up with Y/N to find her asking multiple people questions.

"Ah, quite a scene we got here." Ranpo and Kunikida turned and found Yosano, crossing her arms and leaning on one leg.

"Ah, good morning Akiko. Did you just arrive?" The childish detective clasped his fingers together behind his back and walked over to the doctor.

"I did, I parked the helicopter not too far from here, but people might find it soon. We better hurry, where's Akimi and Y/N." The men brought on pitiful looks on their faces and turned to the front. Yosano blinked, looking in the direction they had been looking at. She found Y/N, frantically looking around the area, asking random strangers questions.

"We lost Akimi." Kunikida said. The doctor winced, glancing at the blonde. Y/N walked back to them, keeping her head low.

"She's not here.." The woman mumbled. A light of hope overflowed her heart when she felt a small tug on her sleeve. She spun around, expecting to find her sister, but it was only another child.

The boy smiled, tilting his head. "Excuse me miss, I believe you dropped this. You're getting a call." The child let out a buzzing phone to the woman. Confused, Y/N took it reluctantly. There was no caller ID, and it only kept ringing.

"Kid, I don't think this is.." She looked down but saw that the child was gone. Y/N turned to the adults, confused. "Did you see where he.."

"How odd, I blinked then he was gone.." Yosano put her fingers to her chin.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Kunikida questioned. Y/N looked back at the screen, took a deep breath in, and answered it, immediately putting the phone on speaker.


"It's not a good idea to let your sister walk around alone, you know, there's many creeps and perverts in our world." Y/N could almost feel the world close in on her. She didn't know who exactly she was speaking to, but she had known this person took Akimi; he wasn't afraid to admit it.

"Fucking hell, where is she?!" Her hands began to shake with the phone in her hand. The others began to look at each other with anticipation.

"Getting ready to face her punishment."


"Death, that's how it goes around here."

"She's a child-"

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