Chapter 20- Remembering

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"PUT YOUR HANDS UP." The blonde yelled out taking his gun out. He signaled Y/N to go behind the door, and she obliged.

The figure kneeling by the body flinched. They slowly got up and put their hands up.

"IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" Kunikida yelled out, gun aimed. The person did not turn around. Instead, they slowly lifted something onto their face. They were frozen in place until they started running away zig-zag. They were fast, just as fast as Y/N. Immediately, Kunikida started shooting his gun while running towards the figure. He caught up to them and slid his foot under their feet, making them trip over themselves. A masculine grunt was heard in response.

The detective pinned his knee on the person's shoulder blade and twisted one of their arms to their back. Now that Kunikida could get a proper look at the person's face, he gritted his teeth when he saw them wearing a mask.

"Jesus Christ.." The masked man groaned.

"I think you'll be coming with me," Kunikida said, eyelids half-closed. Y/N looked over the edge at the scene and was fascinated at how calm Kunikida looked while pinning someone to the ground. The blonde was just about to take his mask off until he saw the hooded man's hand reach across his chest. The man held a small jet injector in his hand. Before Kunikida could stop him, the hooded man stabbed it into his own neck.

He groaned in pain in response to the sudden injection, and his body jerked around vigorously. Kunikida skidded off of the man almost instinctively. Just after he did, the masked man got up with just his legs and faced Kunikida. There was something different about him this time though, he seemed far too confident in himself. The detective got into a fighting stance, prepared to face the man and whatever he injected in himself.

"I know you, shouldn't you be dead by now..?" The man said circling Kunikida.

"I'm afraid I have yet to meet my end, and I plan to keep it that way until I grow old." Kunikida replied gun ready. The hooded man glared up at him with mischievous eyes.

"At least you'll die on the battlefield." He stated just before he lunged himself at Kunikida. The speed he had was nothing a normal human could have. His body seemed to be pushed by a force.

What was this unexplainable power??

The blonde turned his heel to the side, missing getting pinned down to the ground by a centimeter. He realized that the hooded man now had a blade in hand.

It's alright, I'm at an advantage here. Kunikida thought. I can shoot him at a farther range—

His thoughts were interrupted when a blade was already being thrown, aimed directly at his face. Once again, he turned to the side and held his gun up, shooting the masked man's obliques. The mysterious person gritted his teeth, trying to hold back a yell to keep his pride. This didn't seem to hold him back though, he circled Kunikida. The blonde's eyes could not follow the figure as it was going so fast. He quickly took out his notebook and tore out a page that was already prepared.

"DOPPO PO-" Kunikida was interrupted once again when another blade stabbed itself into his notebook, pushing it out of his hands, and it flew across the room. These blades weren't just being thrown, some sort of power was making them move. He grabbed his gun and aimed it, but he wasn't sure what to aim it at. Before he knew it, a wooden box that laid somewhere in the warehouse was being thrown at him. It hit him with a hard impact, thrusting the gun out of his hand and across the floor near the door.

Y/N watched on with worry. It looked like he was losing. She glanced down to the floor and found his gun, sliding towards her. Desperate, she picked it up.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida DoppoWhere stories live. Discover now