[EXTRA] Chapter 33.5- A Night Alone

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(A/N- Hey everyone! Number one: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT YOU'VE BEEN GIVING ME WITH THIS STORY OHMIGODD. Especially the last chapter, wow!! It made me so happy to see all of y'all get excited in the comments ^///^

So so so much happened the last chapter, I really wasn't expecting it to be that long ( ゚д゚) Nearly 5K words yall, yeeesh.

But you guys really seemed to like it regardless! Especially the kissing scene! Heheheh. I had been planning that scene out so much in my head ever since I got the idea of writing it into the story. The only thing that made me so sad was that I was in such a rush to finish and release the chapter that I feel I wasn't able to add everything Y/N and Kunikida went through and felt that night. I was also considering how long the chapter had gotten, I didn't want to add anymore!

So..! I decided to make it up to y'all by giving you a wonderful, cute, and fluffy chapter of Y/N and Kunikida's night together! I hope you enjoy!! <3

P.S. There will be some Welsh spoken in here! I do not speak the language so I ended up using a translator. So, if there are any native speakers of the language reading this, I apologize in advance if it is not accurate!)




A teenager wearing a school uniform walked by two adults that were holding hands. She turned to them and placed her palm on her cheek whilst smiling. "Awh..how cute." The girl said to herself. "Man...I love this town." She looked up at the sky and pulled her scarf closer to her mouth. "All of the buildings, the weather, and how at ease everyone is..."

The so-called peaceful adults may have looked calm on the outside but in reality...

Both of their cheeks were completely flushed; and while they were holding hands, they attempted to keep their bodies as far away as possible. Y/N pressed her lips together and put her open hand onto her warm cheeks. Why did she think things wouldn't be awkward after she confessed and they kissed? Why did she think a kiss automatically meant they were comfortable with each other..? If anything, things were more awkward. What would happen next? What would happen now? Things were too confusing, and it was infuriating. The woman glanced to the side to look at Kunikida. He kept a completely straight face, which made Y/N feel alone in terms of embarrassment.

However, Kunikida was just as embarrassed as well. He had been clenching his jaw tightly as to not make his trembling lips show. The man could feel his fingers shake as they held onto Y/N's; and obviously, his cheeks were beet red. His train of thought was interrupted when Y/N spoke.

"Twer why Feelin?" She mumbled to herself, looking the other way at a building.


"The name of that hotel over there." She pointed to a sign in front of an area with multiple buildings "Sorry, I just was thinking about how weird it is that I'm from here, yet I don't know a sliver of welsh. I'm sure I pronounced that wrong.."

"It's not your fault. It's hard to remember a language you haven't spoken in a long time." He reassured her. "It's pronounced Twr y Felin, by the way. It means Mill Tower."

"Ah.." She looked out the field for a moment, then blinked. "Wait, you know Welsh?!" Y/N finally fully turned to face him, eyes full of shock.

"W-well.." Kunikida scrunched his brows and turned his head to the side. "I don't know much of it..." He admitted.

"Well, tell me another phrase!!" She urged him excitedly, coming a bit more closer to him. The blonde was silent, but then he sighed and opened his mouth.

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