Don't Dig Up The Past

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The halls of Hogwarts buzz with everyone talking about the list. Seemingly everyone in the school has seen a copy of the list. Even teachers have picked up on the shuffling of notes and whispers in between lectures.

Uncle Harry has attempted grilling us all until we break, but nobody is saying a thing. He doesn't need to know. It's better that way. Because then he would tell all the parents, and then they would get worried about bullying, and then everyone would get in trouble. Hogwarts thrives on gossip! We wouldn't let it out of our grasp so soon.

Alice and I try to figure out the culprit along with the rest of the students. I don't know why I care so much, but I do. I can't tell what bothers me more: me being low on the list or Scorpius being high. I know he is hot which ups his sex appeal, but does he really have such a record?

How many girls has he been with? I try to recall, but I didn't pay much attention to the girls on his arm before me.

"Scorp!" I whisper shout across the library table.


"Who all were you with before me?"

His eyebrows raise, "Do you mean date or hookups?"

"Both," I reply.

"Uhhhh," He struggles. "Let's see. Third year I dated Jenn Ryder. Then I got caught snogging Taylor Wood, that was a scandal and a half. At the beginning of fourth year I made out with Bianca Bridges— big mistake. Then I dated Isla Davies for a couple weeks. When we broke up I made out with Ayanna Havancamp. After her was Tatum Phillips. Then I talked to Penelope Vesselton. Right before the year ended I snogged Aletheia Jackson."

"Oh wow. That's a lot of people," I take in a deep breath. Of course, I immediately begin comparing myself to them.

"Babe, don't even start. None of those lasted over a month. My heart wasn't in those. They were nothing like us," he quickly recovers me.

I silently nod and close my book. I get up to go, leaving Scorpius in the almost empty library. It could be dangerous, me, alone with my thoughts. My feet slowly guide me in a path I've walked a thousand times.

"I am in love with you. I am completely, undeniably, whole-heartedly in love with you. And that's something I've never felt before. No girl has ever made me feel the way I feel about you. It's absolutely terrifying. The ones in the past are in the past for a reason. So don't compare yourself to them. And if you do, you better be feeling pretty fucking good," Scorpius says after spinning me by my wrist and pressing me to the wall.

"They're all so much prettier than me. Better bodies, soft hair, pretty eyes," I whisper. I can't help but feel inferior.

Scorp presses me harder against the wall, "Shut the fuck up. Next to you, they all look like rubbish. You may not see it, but you're the most beautiful person I've ever met."

"I'm not used to being treated well, or shown love by guys. It's hard for me to think it's possible," the words stumble off my lips. A tear falls down and is quickly wiped by Scorp.

"Well you better get used to it," he smirks and puts his arm around me. I find comfort in his arms. Suddenly, there is no worry in my mind about anything. It's crazy how much he changes my mood.

We walk down the steps towards the Great Hall. Once we arrive, we see most of our friends crowded around a piece of parchment on the table. As we get closer, I see that it is a different list. But this has every student in 4th year and up on it. Our friends are crossing out the names one by one to try and find the guilty party.

"What are you guys thinking? If a teacher catches us, we could all get in trouble! We have to keep the facts of the list scandal out of the ears of the professors!" I say urgently as Scorp and I join the group.

"Calm down, Rosie," Fred assures me. "It's just a game."

Fred waves his wand and the parchment disguises itself as a paper board game. It takes a minute for my brain to comprehend it. Where did he get this? Or how did he learn the spell?

"That's wicked!" Scorp comments and sits at the table.

Does nobody else see that this is still reckless to be doing in public? Merlin, am I the only one with even half a brain here? It's not that I don't think we should try to find out who it is. I do. That person deserves to pay. There are just better ways to go about it.

However, I keep my opinions to myself and begin helping the group. Each of us tries to contribute a few names of sure innocence. There are just so many people, this is going to be a long and hard process.

ask and you shall receive! here is another chapter! sorry it's taking so long! my mental health is not the best due to so much stuff starting back up. but im quitting my job so hopefully I will have more time!

love you guys so much

xo reyne

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