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After many weeks of failure, the raving about the list died out. Nobody could discover the source. I have a feeling my friends and I got close, but we never had enough solid evidence to prove a single person guilty. This will bother me for a while. I don't do well not knowing things.

We now only have about a quarter of our year left. So much has happened and yet it seems like it was just yesterday that I was just demanding to my friends that I hate Scorpius on the train ride here.

My cousin is going to have a baby. My other cousin is getting married. My friends came out and are dating each other. My uncle is teaching at my school. And I'm dating my sworn enemy. What the bloody hell happened?

"Do you think this is rubbish?" Scorpius asks and tilts his sketch journal towards me. It's a drawing of the castle. I think it looks gorgeous, but I would be impressed by a stick figure.

"I think it's great, but I know you would say the base needs more shadowing and the windows need more dimension."

He smirks and returns to his work. It's gorgeous outside today, so we decided to spend our afternoon sitting under a tree on the grounds. Scorp's been working on that same drawing for a week and he keeps changing little bits. I'm sat next to him with a new book. This one is a very interesting one about a girl in a society based on your blood types. I've recently gotten more into fiction.

Just being together is one of my favorite parts of my relationship with Scorpius. His presence feels soothing to me. Unless he's being a complete arse, then I could erupt at his sight.

"Oh, you know what, I've completely forgotten. I have to go do something," Scorpius says and frantically gathers himself. Before I can even begin to interrogate him, he's off and telling me he loves me and will see me soon.

So now I just sit alone and stare out at the landscape ahead. What am I to do with an afternoon alone? All my friends made plans because I told them I would be with Scorp.

I bury myself back into my book, re-immersing myself into the storyline. The pages carry me away to the fictional world.

"Rosie!" I hear and open my eyes. I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep. My book sits shut on the grass in front of me, and I look to see that the sky is now dark. Merlin, I must've been here awhile. James helps me up.

"Everyone's been looking for you!"

"Why? What happened? Scorp knew I was here," I laugh lightly, still barely awake.

"That's the other problem. We all thought he was with you. He's missing as well," James tells me as we head back into the castle.

"Missing? You're joking. He went inside before I even fell asleep. That must've been hours ago!"

Once we enter, Alice is there to greet me with her embrace. I hug her back, but I can't stop thinking about the mystery at hand. Something could genuinely be wrong. Why did he not tell anyone where he was going?

"You swear on your life he didn't say anything to you about where he could be?" I inquire to Albus, who stands behind Alice.

"Not a word!" He holds his hands up in defense.

My mind and heart seem to be racing in a sprint at the pace they're going. People don't just disappear. I hope wherever he is, he isn't in danger.

"You don't think he could be. . . or would. . . ?" Alice trails.

"What?! Oh Godric, NO! Seriously, Al, why would you even put that thought in my mind?! He loves me. He would never."

"It's just- I'm just- I'm just saying, he has a past," Alice points out. She says it as if I don't know my own boyfriend. Why the bloody hell is she saying all this? I'd expect this from Kaia, but Alice?

"Alice, not cool," Albus tells her off.

"Listen, it's not even been a full night. I wouldn't want us to worry prematurely. Let's not stress until we know we need to. Everyone, go to bed," James instructs of us. Very head boy of him.

I walk back to my room with Alice but I don't feel any more comforted. Where is he? If I didn't know and Albus didn't know, then Scorpius must be hiding something. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but here I am. It's not even that I don't trust him, but I don't believe that he wouldn't stumble into something dodgy and not tell anyone to protect them. It could even be a surprise, but I just know that he's keeping something from us. My only real concern is that wherever he is, he's okay.

"I'm sorry about what I said," Alice breaks the silence as we sit in our room. "About Scorpius. Especially with everything with the list. I know he wouldn't do that and I just- I'm sorry."

"I know," I smile without looking at her. "I just hope he's okay."

She comes over and wraps me up in a hug, "It's only been half the day. I'm sure he'll turn up at breakfast."

But I don't sleep that night. Partially because of my day long nap, and partially because of how my mind cant stop racing with ideas of where my boy is.

so it's been a year and a half eheheh

so basically i live in england now and so i feel called back to this book BAHAHHA hope ppl still enjoy it😚😚😚
love y'all and hope you've been well

xo reyne

𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝑺𝑶 𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑩𝑳𝑬 【scorose】Where stories live. Discover now