In Need of Guidance

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"Rose," a voice whispers across the table. I look up to see a head of red hair and a huge smile. My little cousin sits before me.

"Little Lily Luna, what brings you to me? Last time I checked, you were far too cool to hang out with me," I tease her. Her little friend group acts like they run the world. They might as well.

Lily looks around nervously, "I need your help with, uhm, girl stuff."

My eyes widen. Oh my goodness. I didn't think I would have to do this until I had kids of my own.

"Did you get your period?" I whisper.

"What?" Lily sits back up. "No! I mean yes, but no! That's not why I'm here!"

Thank Merlin.

After I signal her, she begins explaining, "So there is this boy, and he really fancies me. He's cute, I guess. But I don't want to date him. All he talks about is quidditch, and it's so annoying. All his pick up lines are quidditch related, and if I hear one more I'm going to be sick."

I can't help but laugh at my little cousin. Of course, Lily Luna needs help rejecting a boy. I wish I was as cool as her at 13.

"Who's the mystery man?"

"Boy!" She clarifies. She lowers her voice again, "It's Leo Wood."

Leo Wood. Son of famous Quidditch star, Oliver Wood. Also a family friend. His older sister, Harper, had graduated in the same year as Dom. I should have guessed it by the quidditch-themed pick up lines.

"This is too good! Who would have thought? Leo and Lily Luna?"

"SHHHHH!" The young girl quickly hushes me. She looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Someone could hear!"

"Okay, okay! So what do you need my help with?"

"How do I get him to not like me?"

Why would she come to me about this? Does she really think I'm that undesirable? That I'm qualified to give advice on it? How should I know what guys don't like? I'm dating the hottest guy in the whole fucking school.

I close my book and get up from the table. I motion with my head for her to come with. We walk out of the Great Hall and up to Astronomy Tower.

"Why are we going up here? Oh please don't make me jump off. I'm only thirteen," Lily whines.

I roll my eyes and just continue on my way. When we get there, I find just who I thought I would. A blonde boy is sitting on the ledge, admiring the view. He turns when he hears me.

"Hey, love, what's up?"

"I brought a surprise," I say and motion to Lily Luna. She gives him her best, awkward smile. He looks puzzled, but offers back an equally awkward smile.

"She needs help getting a boy to not like her. I figured a boy's opinion would help. So, what immediately makes a girl unattractive?"

Lily Luna and I take seats near Scorp, and he has turned to face us. All three of us sit cross cross applesauce.

"Okay, uh, I personally don't like super stuck up, narcissistic type people. Not the most fun to be around. Also, girls who wear a lot of makeup and try super hard. Oh, I also can't stand people who are just lazy for no reason and let it ruin their life. Wait, I've got it! Girls who wear their socks up. Literal sociopaths."

Both of us girls laugh at the last one. I make a note in my head to never keep my socks pulled up. However, I'm sure Lily will be keeping her socks knee high for awhile.

"Thank you guys, really," Lily says and scampers off.

"You give some good advice, Scorp," I congratulate him.

He pulls back, "What? You think because I'm so good looking there's nothing up in my head?"

I shove him playfully. Cocky piece of shit.

Scorpius reached out his arms, asking for a hug. I cuddle into him and let his arms wrap around me. With a crisp chill in the air, Scorp feels even warmer. He holds me in cozily.

"How's your day been?" He asks when we separate.

"Good. I got a lot of stuff done. But I have a paper for Charms that I just don't want to write. What about you?"

"Not great, to be honest. My grandfather sent me a letter. He wants me to break up with you and transfer to Durmstrang. And I have no clue what is going on in my classes. I lost house points for speaking out of turn. And my patronus is a just wimpy string of silver," Scorp sighs loudly. He is having a rough day. I wish I could help him with his grandfather. However, he wouldn't be satisfied unless we broke up, and then Scorp and I would be crushed.

I try to talk out Scorpius' day with him, but I think he would rather just sit here and ignore it all. After awhile I grow quite tired and drift off in his arms.


"Mhm," I mutter back, half awake.

"You're one of the best parts of my life," he tells me softly. My heart instantly melts.

"The same to you," I respond.

Shortly thereafter, Scorp helps me up before walking me back to the Great Hall to get my things and then to my common room. He gives me a small kiss on the forehead and walks down the stairs. As I'm about to give the painting the password, I turn over my shoulder and meet a pair of steely, grey-blue eyes doing the same. He winks, smirks and continues.

My heart flutters as I enter the room draped in red and gold. Oh, how lucky I am.

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