All Kinds of Trouble

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For the next few weeks, every time I saw Lily Luna, she had pounds of makeup on and yanked up socks. Her nose was stuck high in the air, acting snottier than ever.

I couldn't help but laugh at her attempts to be unattractive. It became my entertainment for awhile, as it did for many others.

The finale was in the courtyard. Leo had been relentless in his attempts with my cousin.

"Lily Luna, you can't just ignore me!" He said, trying to catch up with her quick pace.

"Yes, I can! And I will!" She said turning to face him, before storming in the other direction.

He runs after her and stops her again, "Why?"

"I don't like you, Leo. I thought you would get it. I'm sorry."

And with that, our daily entertainment comes crashing to an end. Leo walks off in defeat. I do feel bad for the kid. But at the same time, how was he so oblivious? Lily Luna leaves in a huff.

"Well, look like we will have to find a new dramatic pairing to obsess over," Holly says to the group of us sitting under the tree. As if summoned, Mari and James walk into the open area. She's starting to really show, and I already can tell she'll be the cutest pregnant lady.

"Hello, Rosie," James greets me, arm slung around Mari. He tips his head to the other girls to greet them.

"Is he causing you any trouble, Mari?" I turn to her. "It's a miracle he's still alive."

"You've got that right! But no, for once, I think I got him under control," Mari replies. There is a glint in her eye. I know that she secretly loves it when James acts like an idiot. James smiles like a little kid, proud of his little achievement.

"Shouldn't you two be, I don't know, preparing for your child?" Kaia asks sassily.

"We still have like 4 1/2 months, Kai. Calm your shit," her older sister tells her.

"And I would like to make it clear, that I have been preparing. I'm a businessman. And I've been looking at houses," James replies proudly.

It's insane to think they're gonna be on their own this summer. Raising a kid. I'm sure Uncle Harry is demanding that they stay close to their place. That way he and Ginny can go over all the time.

••• naughty stuff so skip if you don't like•••
if you know me personally, I am so sorry.

I sit in the library, doing some light reading in my extra time. The smell of the old books always calms me. As I turn the page of my current book, I feel someone hover behind me. Two hands are placed on either side of me. I know those hands.

"Hello there, Weasley," My boyfriend sneers jokingly.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I spit back in return.

His face leans close to my ear, his breath hot on my neck: "I want you."

My eyes go wide. I turn to look up at him. His eyes are dark and his pupils are dilated with hunger. This is reminiscent of our first escapade, fleeing from the library off into an abandon classroom. I slam my book shut and let him drag me along.

We find ourselves in the same classroom that it all started in. Scorpius charms the door to lock before slamming be back against it.

"Rose, I need to tell you something," Scorp breathes out.


"I love you," He tells me. "I have. I just need you to know."

I smile, "I love you too."

After we get that out of the way, Scorpius attaches his lips to my neck. My heart beat rapidly increases. I bring his face back up to mine to kiss him. Scorpius leads us over to the teachers desk. He picks me up and sets me down on top, not breaking our kiss once.

His hands yank my top out of my skirt and wander their way up my body. Mine land on his head. My fingers run through his white-blond locks as my body flutters with ecstasy. Scorpius grinds against me eagerly. One of his hands finds its way down to my skirt and frantically attempts to get it off.

Just as he is about to begin anything, a crash comes from the corner of the room. A voice shrieks: "Sexual actions are strictly forbidden! Just wait until Mcgonagall gets a load of this! Or how about your uncle, little Rose Granger-Weasley?"

The two of us rapidly try to get ourselves situated before chasing after Peeves. He floats down the hall singing, "Naughty students! Slutty students out of bed and in each other!"

"If we leave and split, nobody will know," I tell Scorp. With a quick kiss on the cheek, he goes running off down another hallway. I return myself to the Library and act as if I had just had to use the restroom.

That could have ended tragically. And now I have a love bite that will need covering. One good thing came of it all. Scorp finally said I love you. I never would've said it first. But of course I have loved him. There's no reason not to.

sorry I know it's short and it sucks, but I'm running out of ideas. totally going blank! if anyone has anything they think would be funny or anything they wanna see, PLEASE comment! thank yaaa!

xo reyne🤍

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