Prude Bitch

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"ROSE!" A shrill voice yells at me. I turn around from my journal to see Alice storming across the green. Her stomps turn into a jog when she knows she has my attention.

"You'll never believe what I just heard!" She squeals and plops next to me on the grass.

"What?" I flatly reply.

"Damn," She comments. "Anyways, rumor has it there's a list going around the school ranking people by sex appeal."

"Is this a good or a bad thing? I really can't tell. Are you high on the list? Am I on it?"

She grabs my journal out of my hands and rips a page out from the back. I hand her my quill and she begins writing.

"I can't remember all of it. But I kept an eye out for certain names," Alice warns. She hands the list to me.

"Look at that," She points to her own name. "Why am I six places above Albus?"

Roxy is number 1. Kaia is under her. Then Scorpius. Unsurprisingly, Alice notes that my name was very far down on the list. At least I made it. Well, I don't know if being in the list is a good thing. She also tells me that there were notes about people.

For example:

6. Tinley Baxter- whore with too much talk and not enough game

10. Wylie Jamison- dickhead w abs

17. Mari Fowler- would be higher but looks like whale

22. Alice Longbottom- has potential without Albus

I can't believe someone would say all of these things. Who would be brave enough to say these things about someone and then publish it? And who would be mean enough to talk that much shit? Even the top people have negative notes.

1. Roxanne Weasley- slept w the whole school except her family

2. Kaia Bixby- could be hotter if she wasn't so desperate

3. Scorpius Malfoy- too hot to be dating a prude bitch

Obviously whoever this is has major issues and a whole lot of anger. There are only 50 names on the list. I highly doubt it would be someone in the first 3 years.

That leaves about 300 students. Just because someone is on that list doesn't count them out in my head.

"We should take it to McGonagall," I suggest.

Alice rips the paper out of my hands, "Are you fucking insane?"

I stare blankly back at Alice. McGonagall will be able to figure this out, who did it. Right now, it'll just be creating a lot of drama and she could easily put a stop to it. Nobody should be able to do this and get away with it.

"If someone finds out we're the ones who brought it to her, we will become prime targets. She can figure it out when it circles," Alice explains to me. I understand what she's saying. Whoever made the list already doesn't like me, since they put me very low and called me a prude bitch.

"Fine, we won't bring it to her. But burn that copy so nobody suspects us," I tell Alice. She mutters a quick incendio and lets the paper shrivel to ashes.


"You know, I don't think you're a prude bitch," Scorpius tries to cheer me up.

"Someone in this school does. And I am going to figure out who," I huff out. He holds me in his arms as we sit in our classroom during our free. It's better when it's just us.

"Rose," Scorpius sighs. "You've got to stop caring what people think. You're usually so good about that."

I've been getting a lot of judgement lately. With Scorp's grandpa and now people at school, it's hard to not feel insecure. Scorpius plays with my curls.

"I know I'm not a prude bitch. I'm just a bitch," I turn to give my boyfriend a kiss.

Scorp stifles a laugh and replies with sarcasm, "Sure, Weasley. Such a bitch."

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