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Our next trip to Hogsmeade is much warmer than the last. Still cold, but it isn't actively snowing. I'm bundled up and very cozy. Scorpius, however, is freezing and whining like a baby. I told him to dress warmer.

"Shut up, already!" Alice yells at him. She said what we're all thinking. I swear, that pampered boy has no idea how to handle minor inconveniences.

"It's freezing out here! I don't know how you're not cold," Scorp confusedly meets my eyes. "Oh bloody hell, are you cold? Do you want my jacket?"

I wave him off from removing his jacket. He's so stupid. Of course he can be freezing and still want to make sure I'm fine. I grab my boyfriend's hand and lean into him as we walk through the snowy village. Hopefully my body heat will warm him up a bit.

"Let's just go in for a butter beer," Albus suggests when we reach The Hog's Head. We all agree and shuffle our way into the pub.

Scorpius seems to lighten up in the warmth. Each of us order a butter beer and wait for us to be served. We're in a booth when someone frantically slides in next to Albus and Alice, practically crushing them.

"Hide me! She's after me!" James urges us. He wrestles a scarf off of Albus' neck and spreads it over his head.

"Not quite the Invisibility Cloak, but it'll do," he breathes out heavily.

Just as I am about to ask who is after him, the door to The Hog's Head swings open. It hits the wall with a bang. A very angry brunette stands in the doorway.

"James Sirius, I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE!"

As Mari begins to stomp around the pub, searching for her beloved boyfriend, he ducks under the table and hides behind our legs. The scarf is still on his head. What did James get himself into? What is so bad that he did that he's hiding from a raging pregnant lady? Mari whips around to our table and slams her hands down.

"Where's my boyfriend?!" She demands.

"We haven't seen him. I reckon he's got the cloak on," I quickly lie.

"Why are you upset with him in the first place?" Albus asks.

"That dipshit is taking bets on our child: the birth date, gender, eye color, hair color, weight. He's even telling people they can pay to name our baby! One galleon for each name submitted. Typical James, acting like our kid is some pony at the races!" Mari rants about the foolishness of her boyfriend.

"You guys didn't know? There's been flyers all around the castle. I'm really hoping mine gets chosen."

"Scorpius!" I scold him and give him a soft jab in the side. He looks back at me as if to say 'what?'.

"Sorry, love, but we haven't seen him. Good luck," Alice says, sending Mari stomping on her way out the door. As soon as it closes, someone kicks James to tell him to come out. He looks around nervously before resurfacing.

"That was close," he sighs out.

I roll my eyes, "James Sirius, you are such an idiot."

"Honestly, mate, how are you gonna be a dad? You still act like you're some punk kid," Albus laughs.

"I AM SOME PUNK KID! Mari expects me to be some perfect, mature, grown up man all of a sudden. Did she forget who she's dating? Who she let impregnate her? I'm not giving up who I am," James rambles off. He really is stupid. Doesn't he realize that being a parent is all about sacrifice?

"She doesn't want you to be perfect. She doesn't want you to become a different person. She just wants you to put your child first. You need to learn that somethings are more important than silly bets and wages, like your kid's life," Alice lectures the tall boy. James nods understandingly. I think he feels a little bad now, as he should.

"Go find your girlfriend," I tell him. With his head hung, James walks out of the pub and into the cold winter air.

Butter beers are placed in front of us, and I grab mine eagerly. It's been too long. Okay maybe it hasn't been that long, but it feels like ages. The sweet, warm liquid warms me from the inside out.

Scorpius laughs at me and wipes off some of the cream from my upper lip. My fave heats up. That is so embarrassing.

"Don't be nervous, Red," Scorp whispers lowly to me. "'S just me."

"That's the problem. It's you," I feel my mouth twinge upwards as my cheeks and ears grow hot. Even after everything, Scorp still gives me butterflies. He still makes my hands shake. He still makes me melt at each word that leaves his lips.

To hopefully cool myself a hint, I rapidly rake my fingers through my hair and gather it into a ponytail. Of course, my wild and curly locks are no easy feat, so it takes a couple of tries. Each time, I have to restart after my fingers get stuck.

"Red, you've got to stop doing that," Scorp whispers even lower than last time. I turn to look at him in confusion. Why can't I put up my hair? When I face him, I realize his chest is rising and falling heavily and his pupils have grown immensely. I scoff in disbelief and looks across the table. Alice and Albus are in their own little world, having a very avid conversation.

"This? This is what did it for you?" I ask him in an equally quiet whisper. "I can't put my hair up without turning you on?"

Scorpius shifts uncomfortably in the booth. He shakes his head and puts it down on the table. I would comfort him, but I'm afraid touching him in any sort of way would make it worse. So instead I just sip my butter beer in silence.

Finally Alice notices, "What's wrong with him?"

"Oh, uh, he's just not feeling too well," I respond. Both of them would die if they knew the truth, and I don't want to embarrass Scorp like that.

"Yeah, I should probably go to the bathroom," He quickly excuses himself and shuffles off. I watch as he goes just to see him turn around and give me his classic smirk and a wink. He follows that with a turn of the head, motioning for me to follow him.

I am not getting fucked in the bathroom of a pub.

After awhile, Albus suggests I go check on him. I shut the idea down immediately, "He just needs some time."

𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝑺𝑶 𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑹𝑰𝑩𝑳𝑬 【scorose】Where stories live. Discover now