The Quiet Classroom

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"Okay, class, let's gather back up for the last 10 minutes of class. Today is the start of your project. Professor Hagrid has already partnered you up. Remember, you have 3 weeks for this project, so Professor Hagrid will be expecting quality work once he's back. Each team will choose a magical creature and give a full report on said creature. There's a template that would probably be best if you'd follow." Professor Longbottom tells us. Hagrid is gone on some secret trip for Mcgonagall, so Alice's dad has been covering for him.

He starts reading off the partners and I'm just hoping that I have a good one. A competent one. One that isn't stupid or annoying. I listen for my name.

"Miss Granger-Weasley and Mr. Malfoy," Professor Longbottom says. This is a joke. Hagrid would not do this to me. Maybe he read it wrong. I raise my hand and stare at the Professor intently. He looks up at me and then back to his list.

"It's not a mistake, Miss Granger-Weasley. Deal with it," He says promptly. Since when did Alice's dad become rude?

I sigh and look back down at my book. This is not okay. I despise Malfoy. Professor Longbottom finishes calling the names and tells us to begin working on ideas with our partner. Scorpius comes over and sits on the same log as me. I don't see him, but I could pick out the smell of his cologne in a soap factory. It's very distinct. And pungent.

It smells like the woods, fall time, and musk. It's warm but fresh at the same time. And it's fucking amazing.

I used to not notice it as much. Maybe he has been wearing it more lately. Or maybe I have been smelling him more lately. That's weird. I'm not weird.

He's definitely been wearing it more lately.

"So we could do pixies, or fairies, or doxies—"

"You think that because I'm a girl, I would want to do something as idiotic as fairies? Do you know who you're talking to? What about something that is actually cool?"

"Uhm, well. I don't know what you consider cool," Scorpius states. Both of us are just looking at the ground. I do not want to look him in the eye. I can't.

"Like an Occamy, or Thunderbird, or a Demiguise, or a Kelpie," I suggest. My options are far superior to Scorpius'. It's almost like I'm top of the class. Oh wait, I am. This project is projected to be the best because Scorpius is the number 2 student in the class. He is in most classes thanks to me.

"What about a Niffler?" Scorpius suggests. "I've always wanted one of those."

I, too have also wanted a Niffler. They could make a person very rich. We learned about them in third year, but haven't done much with them since. Doesn't seem very original though.

"I feel like someone else would pick that. And I want to be original," I tell Scorpius. I'm still staring at my shoes like they're the most interesting things in the world.

"Okay, you said Occamy. That's pretty cool. I don't know much about them so this should be fun. I guess I'll see you around to work," and with that Scorpius gets up and leaves.

Occamy it is. I go tell Nev- Professor Longbottom and he nods with a smile of approval. I still can't believe Hagrid would do this to me. Why would he?

That night I sit in the library doing some light reading. I love the library. It has always had a way of calming me down. Maybe it's the books, or all the endless knowledge, or the fact that some of the greatest witches and wizards read the exact books that I have.

My peace is disrupted when I see a white-blonde boy pulls out the chair next to me and sit out of the corner of my eye. He leans down and rests his head on his hand. I refuse to look at him and so I keep my focus on my book.

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