Goodbye Family, Hello. . . Family?

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Holiday ends quickly, and before I know it I'm back in class listening to Professor Burke drone on about potions. She's lecturing about the importance of being precise in your potion making. We are reminded to follow the book's instructions to a T.

Today, Alice is sitting next to me and she's shaking nonstop. Her teeth chatter as she rubs her arms for warmth. The dungeons get brutally cold during the winter, and if you don't dress accordingly, you will regret it. Poor Alice. I look to Albus to see if he had a sweater to give her, but I couldn't even find him. However, I do find Scorpius sitting next to an empty chair.

Some silent communication tells me that Scorp has no clue where my cousin is either. I raise my hand high in the air.

"Is there something you would to add to my lesson, Miss Granger-Weasley?"

My voice breaks, "Uhm, no. May I please be excused to the loo?"

"You can do that on your own time, Miss Granger-Weasley," Professor Burke responds promptly. She turns back around and continues her lecture.

"Professor Burke, please! I really must go! It's an emergency, if you understand?"

Great, so now everyone in class thinks they know I'm on my period. Well, it's not the worst they could think.

I go to the first place I could think of, the Room of Requirement. Of course, he's not there. It's so hard to think like a teenage boy. I've got no clue where he might be, so I roam the halls a bit. Hopefully Mrs. Norris will be busy elsewhere today. Eventually it hits me. I go outside and find my way down to Hagrid's. He isn't teaching currently. When I knock on the door, I hear a lot of clanging around in there which is no doubt the sounds of Albus trying to hide.

"It's me! I know you're in there Albus!"

The door swings open and I'm greeted by a large forced smile and a guilty boy. I don't even have to speak. He knows what I would say about him skipping to hang out with Hagrid. What good could that possibly do him? I grab his arm and drag him back into the castle.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" Al mutters. He yanks his arm away but continues to follow me back to class.

"Found him coming back from the hospital wing on my way from the bathroom. He was throwing up horrendously," I lie as we enter the classroom with Albus trailing behind me. I pull out a small slip of paper from my robes and put it on her desk. It's a nurses note.

Al sets his jacket on my desk for Alice. We sit down and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to face my dear cousin, "How'd you do that? The nurses note?"

I roll my eyes, "I always keep loads on me. You've got no idea how often they can come in handy."

I turn back to face the professor again. She continues on about Wit-Sharpening Potion. I've already read all about it, so I don't really pay attention until she asks questions.

"What charm does this potion knowingly reverse?"

"The Confundus Charm," Parker Wells answers from the front of the room.

"Which ingredient is added last?"

"Armadillo Bile," A slytherin I don't know answers.

She then instructs is to begin in mixing our potions. Scorp and I make small talk as I grind our beetles and he mixes the potion. Professor Burke is walking around, and every time she comes close we go silent. He tells me I suck at grinding the beetles, so we switch jobs.

Class ends while we are in the middle of the potion. Burke tells us to leave them on the back ledge of the room. Apparently this is going to be a multiple day event. Maybe if she talked less, we would have time to finish it in one day.

Scorpius and I walk out of class holding hands. Alice and Albus walk with us down the hall. I have DADA next. As Scorp and I head upstairs, I notice a group of Slytherins whispering and staring at us. Obviously our relationship was a shock to many people. I knew going into this that people would judge, it just isn't fun to go through it.

Scorp puts his arm up over my shoulder. I feel safe in his arms. It's as if he could protect me from everything, even though it's not true. I don't want to go to class. If I had it my way, I would be cuddle up on the couch with Scorpius drinking cocoa.

But I go into DADA and expect to drown out my teacher once again. A few minutes into class, and our typical professor is not here. Everyone in class is chatting about the whereabouts of our teacher.

"I heard he went missing in the Forbidden Forest," One kid says.

"My guess is they finally sent that nutter to Azkaban. Rightfully so," Some Ravenclaw adds.

The class goes silent as a familiar face walks in, looking quite grim. My uncle is carrying a briefcase and sets it down on the desk. Everyone stays quiet as he prepares. No way is he teaching us. How did I not know? Albus would have told me. Did Albus not know either?

"Hello class. As many of you may know, my name is Harry Potter. I will be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the time being. Now I know you all want to know about Professor Vestine. His whereabouts are currently unknown to the school and ministry. Anyways, I'll be your teacher. Any questions?"

The whole class of hands shot up into the air. He's really not that interesting, my goodness. Sure, he defeated Voldemort multiple times, big whoop. Growing up with him makes him just seem so. . . normal.

A bunch of questions are asked. One person asked if it was true. Like, what? Did they think everyone just made it all up? Some muggleborns has no clue who he is. A few people asked for his autograph.

This is going to be interesting.

"Hey, you didn't tell me your dad is teaching here now," I comment to James as I walk into the Gryffindor Common Room. He looks up from a game of Wizard Chess with Fred. His eyes are bugging out of his head.

"My dad is what?" He asks me in confusion and fear.

Roxy walks in from the stairs, "He's our new DADA teacher. I think Vestine went missing or something. Maybe now we can actually learn something."

"This is absolute rubbish! Harry is going to be breathing down our necks the rest of term. If you thought it was hard to get away with stuff before, imagine doing it all with your uncle around," Molly adds from the couch.

I think about it all. At least people know about me and Scorpius now. That would have been a nightmare. But now I can't skip class. I can't sneak around the castle at night. I can't make the same jokes with my friends. Harry's a cool uncle, but it's not the same when he has to be your teacher.

At least we're all in this together.

an - I hate this chap. I'm sorry. My mind is blank, but I had to get something out. ALSO, I'm switching Dominique to Slytherin. ik she's like hardly in this, but it crucial to me that you all know. There is just no way she's not a Slytherin. anyways, love you guys! hopefully more interesting stuff coming soon!

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