A Couple Little Games Pt. 2

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I kissed Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Why oh why did I let myself do that? My father most definitely can't hear about this, or else I'll be dead.

"Oh my God, Rosie!" Alice yells.

"Get it boy!" Fred yelling as James goes "Ow ow owwwww!"

Multiple girly "Awwwws" are heard.

"Bloody Hell," Albus mutters.

I feel like I am going to vomit. That was torturous. No, it wasn't a bad kiss. It was actually quite a cute little kiss, but I hated every second.

I look at Scorp and he's smirking. SMIRKING!? That boy needs to sort out his priorities. He looks at my disgusted face and his face changes to look all different kinds of things. Confused, upset, dissatisfied, and still a hint of cockiness.

"It wasn't thaaat bad, Rosie," Scorpius says.

"I think I'm going to vomit and if any of you tell my family, the vomiting will be on you," I threaten.

"Cool it, Rose, that is just evil," Albus responds.

"My turn!" I announce. Everyone looks at me expectantly.

"Louis, truth or dare?" I ask the quite boy.

"Truth," He responds.

"What is the worst house in your opinion?" I ask. That's a good question. I'm proud of myself. Go self!

"Ravenclaw, they're all stuck up assholes," he starts and everyone looks to Molly and Wren, "with the exception of Molly and Wren, sometimes."

Wren bats at his leg with an offended look on he face. It's now Louis' turn and I wonder who he's going to pick.

"Frank, you know the question." Louis says


"Send an owl down to your dads office saying 'Dear Professor Longbottom, I am writing to tell you that your class is absolute rubbish. You're a shit teacher and your lessons are a drag. I am informing you now that I will not be showing up for anymore classes. I don't know how people like herbology. Later Loser -Your son' right now"

Frank loves herbology and loves his father's classes. This will definitely come as a shock to the professor. Frank scrawled our the letter and sent it down with his owl, Harlette. Someone's definitely getting a howler tomorrow.

"Ok ok it's my turn to torture now. Roxy, what will it be?" Frank demands

"Um... truth!" Roxanne answers which comes as a surprise to all of us.

"What is the maximum amount of guys you've dated at once?"

"Two. No, three." She says calmly. That girl gives no fucks.

"Kaia, can we play a different game? I'm bored." Wren complains. Kaia nods and smirks.

"Fuck, Marry, Kill!" Kaia yells.

"Um, care to explain?" Albus asks.

"It's quite self explanatory. You are given three people and must choose one to fuck, one to marry, and one to kill," Kaia explains. The group just nods and they seem to understand. Soon, Kaia adds on, "We are going to play this so the entire group answers."
More nodding follows her information.

"Okay, I'm starting," Molly speaks up, "let's go with The Golden Trio! Harry, Ron, and Hermione."

All the girls say in sync, "FUCK HARRY!"

The guys look surprised. James and Albus look like the want to vomit.

"Those eyes! Oh my god, YES PLEASE!" Holly says.

"Watch out, Ginny!" Roxy yells.

"Al, don't be grossed out. I mean he looks like you!" Alice tells Albus.

Multiple more comments explaining why the girls chose Harry to fuck are explained. This round is weird. My uncle and my parents. I'm killing my dad. Sorry, I just don't know how my mother married him.

"I'm marrying my mom and killing my dad." I announce to the group. The girls nod along and the guys just look grossed out.

"Can we do a different game? This one is weird." James requests.

"Fine, but this is the last one so you better suck it up." Kaia says. She leans over and whispers into Fred's ear. He nods and gets up and leaves. I don't know where he's going, but I don't trust it.

"This game is called Spin the Bottle. We get a bottle and one person spins it. Now typically, they would kiss the person it lands on but because we like to have fun you must spin it twice and then choose between the two people."

"What if we don't want to kiss either of them?" Scorpius asks. As soon as the words come out of his mouth, Fred comes back in with a bottle of Firewhiskey and two boys. Lorcan and Lysander Scamander. Those are some cute twins!

"Found these two causing a ruckus and thought I'd grab 'em," Fred explains.

"And the Firewhiskey?" I ask.

"We needed a bottle."

The circle opens up to let the three boys sit down.

"Anyways, to answer Scorp's question, if you don't want to kiss them you have to complete a dare." Kaia tells the group.

Kaia grabs the bottle and spins it. It lands on... Albus. Yikes, Alice won't be happy and Kaia wouldn't do that to her. Kaia spins the bottle and it lands on Scorpius. She goes over the Scorpius almost immediately and kisses him. Boom. He kisses back and as they are kissing right next to me, I feel my face go red. I turn away from looking at them and look down at my hands. Out of my peripherals I can see Alice looking at me. This is just awkward. I think Kaia likes him. Then again, I think she likes Fred. 

Finally, the kiss is over and it's Scorpius' turn to spin. It lands on Holly the first time. He spins once more and it lands on Roxanne.

"Someone give me a dare," Scorpius demands.

What?! He didn't want to kiss either of them? That's crazy! They are both SO pretty!

"I dare you to take off your shirt and run up and down the hall," Albus tells him. 

"Mrs. Norris is so gonna get me," Scorpius states, but takes his top off.

Woah. My enemy is ripped. I know I'm supposed to hate him, but I can't hate those abs.

He goes out into the hall and runs up and down the hallway with his arms flailing all about and making stupid faces. We hear little footsteps and all run back to the room.

We sit down to continue the game and Louis volunteers to go next. He spins once and lands on Wren. With his second spin, he lands on Mari. He kisses Wren but it's nothing special.

The rest of the night continues like this. Some kisses and some dares. I kissed Lysander and Frank. Nothing too special. We all decide to head back to our rooms at about 12:00. We go very quietly and very quickly. I bet the Gryffindor's and Slytherin's has the hardest time getting back. Gryffindor due to the amount of students and Slytherin due to the distance.

We get back to the common room without anyone getting caught. I just hope all the other people did too.

"I'm not even tired," I say.

"Well we have class tomorrow," Alice starts, "but I suppose I'll stay down here with you."

Holly and Kaia decide to stay as well. We don't have any other girls in our room, so nobody is worried about where we are.

This night is nowhere near over.

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hey y'all! so i did a very very long chapter this time! don't expect them to all be this long! it was originally supposed to be longer but then i split it. i just didn't want to have a different part be the same setting and so i made it long! i really hope you are enjoying this story. if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!!

xo reyne🖤

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