Something Different

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"Red!" A voice yelled up at me from the bottom of a staircase. As I turn to look back at them my hair swooshes around. I brush it behind my ear and meet the eyes of Scorpius Malfoy. He smirks at me as per usual. He bounds up the stairs to meet me.

"Yes, Malfoy?" I scoff out. Just when I thought I got him off my case.

"What ever happened to you and Scamander? From what I gathered, you two lasted about 5 seconds," Malfoy inquires.

"Why are you so curious?"

He sighs and leans up against the railing, "Oh you know, just keeping up to date with the tabs on my enemy."

He's such a cocky little shit. His gaze is sharp and his smirk is unwavering. Those grey blue eyes always seem to be staring into my soul. Damn, he has pretty eyes.

Snap out of it, Rose! Ew!

"I could be mistaken but it sounds like someone's jealous," I challenge him standing up on my tippy toes. My shortness really makes me less intimidating.

"What do I have to be jealous of? Scamander and you are done and I've got you wrapped around my finger," He challenges back. I laugh in his face.

"Oh you wish, Malfoy," I say back quickly. Our faces are now dangerously close. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a little hot. I hate Scorpius Malfoy.

We stand just glaring at each other for a while. Both of us are too proud to admit defeat. After quite a while, Scorpius lets up. I'm very confused when he starts to step down the stairs. Then my confusion is replaced by... more confusion? Scorpius Malfoy has done a complete 180 and grabs my face. He leans down and smashes his lips on mine. I instinctively kissed him back.

This kiss is different from the time we kissed in truth or dare. It has passion and I don't hate it. Holy shit, I can't believe I even just thought that. Scorpius pulls away slowly and my eyes flutter open as his do.

I stand there speechless. What the bloody hell does he want me to do? He stands back up to return to his stuck up demeanor. That damn smirk also returns.

"I knew you fancied me," he says. What?

"You kissed me you arse!"

He crosses his arms, "But you kissed back, did you not?"

"That's so not fair, it was on instinct not on the fact that I fancy you. Malfoy, are you too thick to get it in your head that you are my enemy? I will never fancy you. It does not matter how attractive you are or how you've kissed me or anything. Because you are my enemy and that means it is impossible for me to fancy you," I explain to him. I guess I just kind of exposed myself. I told him he's attractive. But that arse already thinks that of himself.

He looks pleasantly surprised. Instead of saying anything, he just winks and goes down the stairs towards the dining hall. What the bloody hell?

I storm off to the Common Room. I have got to find Alice. Once I reach it, I find that Alice is not there. So then I go and check her and Albus' classic makeout spots. Not there either. Maybe the Room of Requirement. Well guess what, that didn't help me at all. My last thought is to find James. That one is easy.

I go to the quidditch pitch. There he is flying around and hitting the quaffle back and forth with Fred. It'd be impossible for them to hear me, so I grab an extra broom and fly up to them. Once I have their attention I motion for them to come down.

"Hey Rosie! What do you need?"

"I need to know where my best friend is. Give me the map," I demand with my hand out. The boys look between each other with concern.

"What map?" Fred answers for James.

"Don't be daft, we all know what map I'm talking about. Give me the Marauders Map," I demand.

"How the bloody hell— do you know about that map?" James comes up close and stiff.

I roll my eyes at his attempt of intimidation. My mother is Hermione Granger-Weasley, how stupid do they think I could be? It's quite obvious to anyone who observes their surroundings. People don't realize how much they are missing out on because they are not paying enough attention to detail.

"James, Fred, I'm probably the brightest witch here since my mother. And I'm always around you two. Also, my parents and uncles used that map just like yours. How could I not know about the map? There's no way you two could be such amazing pranksters without it. Eventually I asked dad about it and he explained it to me," I tell.

After what seemed to be a fair amount of thought, the boys looked at each other. They both shrugged. Fred pulled out his wand and said "Accio Marauders Map".

Eventually a piece of parchment came flying into the quidditch pitch. He caught it with ease and handed it over to me.

"You better be careful with this. And give it back! Say I solemnly swear I am up to no good to open it and mischief managed to close." Fred warns.

I roll my eyes and smile at them before heading out of the pitch. Once the map has been opened I peer down at it. There's so many names it's hard to focus. After a little bit of searching I find her.

She's... in the Headmistress' office?

My feet take me off and away. I don't even need to think about it, I'm so used to the school. Not too long afterwards, I find myself pushing through boards of students as I continue to sprint to the Headmistress' office. Some are upset by the fact and others are just confused. What could be so wrong that Alice is in with Mcgonagall?

I halt to a stop outside the entrance, "Quaffle-Pocking"

I scurry in as soon as the gargoyle allows me. Hopefully, this won't turn out tragically.

~time skip bc I'm bored & kinda hate this rn~

Alice ended up just being in trouble for not showing up to a detention from her dad. Actually, 4 detentions from her dad. It's hard to be in your parents class I guess. You kind of lose respect for the teacher. She talked her way out of it though, she's good at that.

We're now sitting in the dorm and I want to tell her about the kiss but I don't know how. I don't like to keep things from Alice, and I'm usually not very good at it. But how am I supposed to tell my best friend that I kissed my enemy? It's not like it meant anything. Something just seems to be holding me back. Maybe I should just wait and tell her later. Yeah. Tonight can just be a night for us to have fun and not think about anything or anyone else.

eeeek. i hated this so much. loved the beginning but i just had no clue what to do after that. i'm sorry this is low quality and sorry that it took so long to get out. just not feeling super great about my writing rn. whatever. love you guys as always!!

xo reyne🖤

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