One Week Prior

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Scorpius and I sit in the library in silence, doing our extra potions work. We were unfortunately put together for another project. These teachers must have something against me.

Scorpius Malfoy means trouble 100% of the time. He is mean and deathly hot. He confuses me. One second he will taunt and tease me, and the next he will be staring into my soul with his hands on my bum. He gives me chills yet sets my soul on fire at the same time. I just, I don't know how to feel about him.

Scorp looks up from his book and gives me a little smirk. I smile back at him politely and drop my eyes back into the text. See? These are the kinds of things that make me think he may be a nice person. I need to try sort my feelings out.

What are we?

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to look up, "You kids will need to be out of here in 5 minutes."

I thank the librarian and begin to put away my things, Scorp does the same. Once we are both collected, we walk out of the library together. I don't have to ask to understand that he is planning on walking me back to my common room. Damn, he really is being polite tonight. Weird. We are on one of the spiral staircases when he stops me.

"Look at the moon. It's beautiful," he tells me. This is very unlike Scorpius. Maybe I'm in a dream again. I pinch my arm as I look out the window and smile. It really is beautiful.

"Rose," He says and grabs my arm. "I have to talk to you about us."

"Oh shut it, Malfoy! We've been over this. There is no us," I remind him. This boy.

He rolls his eyes and swallows hard, "I know you know how I feel about you, Rose. You drive me crazy."

"Yeah, you make me want to jump off a bell tower too. Scorp, we're enemies, that's how it is. At least you're a good snog," I laugh to myself.

"Yeah, yeah, you are too," He starts.

"Great so then we're done here!" I say and turn to walk away.

Scorpius grabs me and turns me back towards him, "No actually we aren't."

I'm very close to him now and breathing heavily. I never envisioned myself having this kind of conversation with Scorpius. We hate each other. I back up and pull away from him.

"Just be my date to the ball," He says.

What? Go with him to the ball? In front of half the school? He's insane. He doesn't like me like that, he just likes that I will hookup with him. Even if he thinks he does, he doesn't. We talked about how nobody can ever know. I couldn't be with him even if I wanted to. Which I don't.

"No," I say upset and confused. I strongly dislike when things don't make sense. And this is the perfect example of something not making sense.

"Rose, we definitely have something between us. I don't know what it is, but it's something. Just try this out," He says convincingly. His eyes are pleading, and he's staring into my soul. Ugh, those eyes.

I rack my brain to think about all the moments I have shared with Scorpius throughout my lifetime. There's been a lot. He always seems to be there, pestering me. Lately he has proven himself to be kind at heart, despite his cover. And of course, he is a great snog. Maybe he really does like me. Maybe that's the whole reason he snogged me and we started this thing. Scorpius Malfoy confuses me... in all the best ways.

But do I like him? I have no clue. I like aspects of him. But I have no clue. And I would love to just let it out that Scorp and I have been seeing each other. Maybe this won't be so terrible, the ball idea.

"Fine, you can take me to the ball," I fold. "But if we're doing this, we're going all in. I'm talking extravagant entrance, looking like stars, and blowing minds. Are you sure you're in?"

"Oh, I'm in," Scorpius smirks and leans in to kiss my forehead. This is the part where I prepare myself for heartbreak.

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