Best Present

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My eyes flutter open to a bright room and the smell of vanilla, cinnamon, and holly. Christmas. I roll over and stretch my arms out. Molly is already up and walking around our room. Roxy is still asleep in her bed, though. Slowly, I make my way out of my bed and look out the window. A fresh blanket of snow had just laid on the ground. Light snowflakes are falling softly from the clouds above.

A groan comes from Roxy's bed, "What time is it?"

"Almost 8, which means you need to get up. Grandma has been up for awhile, and I think she's going mad. She's already made breakfast, loads of biscuits, and she's taking over dinner tonight," Molly informs us. Grandma always tries to do everything herself.

When I go downstairs, I'm amazed. The kitchen is full of people and fresh food. The house is covered in Christmas decorations on top of Christmas decorations. Our tree is magnificent.

I enter the kitchen. It smells amazing. However, I'm confused as to why we have so much food. Of course, there are a lot of us in the family, but we never have this much at Christmas.

"We're having guests this year," my mother says as if she can read my mind. Her tone is very serious. She almost sounds nervous. I'm sure she's just stressed.


"The Longbottoms, the Malfoys, and the Bixby/Fowler family," my mom rattles off while she moves a tray of cookies into the oven. The Longbottoms are family friends, and Alice is involved with both Albus and I so that makes sense. Mari is pregnant with James' kid, so it makes sense that her family would come. But the Malfoys? Draco and most of my family do not get along. Maybe he's better now than how I hear he was as a kid. Just because Scorp is friends with Albus that doesn't make sense as to why they'd spend Christmas together. Maybe my family just feels bad for them. They must get pretty lonely.

"The Malfoys?" I ask with concern.

My mother sighs, "I know, sweetheart. But your cousin really advocated for them. We don't even have to talk to them. I know you and Scorpius don't get along."

If only she knew.

"What about you, mum? Are you okay to be around Draco?"

She rubs her forearm subconsciously. I wish I could erase that part of her past.

"He's not the same person he was in school. We have to give him the benefit of the doubt," she sounds like she's convincing herself more than she is me. My mother leaves me to go off and help Grandma Molly with something else. I don't want my relationship with Scorpius to hurt my mum.


The whole family is gathered in our living room. Many of the kids are on the floor. We each take turns opening our gifts. James got a new broomstick, Lucy got tons of books, Louis got a pair of collector shoes, and Roxy got more makeup than I've ever used.

"Rose! It's your turn!" My dad says. He looks nervous, but my mum looks very excited. I prepare myself to accept a box or something. My mum runs back to a room and comes back with something wrapped up in a blanket.

She sets the something down in my lap and I realize what it is. A tiny grey/silver and black British Shorthair with the prettiest blue eyes is looking up at me. My jaw drops. I've been begging my parents for a cat for ages. My dad was very against it.

All the girls gasp as I lift the kitten up to my chest. He clings to my shirt and lets out a little meow. I think I win Christmas this year.


The rest of the day I spend hanging out with my new best friend. My biggest problem seems to be a name for the little guy. It's got to be perfect. Maybe I should take a poll. I look out my window to see James and Fred swooping around on their brooms. That's when the perfect name comes to me.

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