Home for Break

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The train home was boring, cold, and dreary. Everyone was obviously excited to go home and see their families, but everyone was also still so tired from the ball. I slept most of the way and so did the other girls.

My brain was filled with dreams of my Prince Charming. And when I wasn't dreaming of him, I was talking to or about him. I just cannot believe it. Me... and Scorpius Malfoy.

Before we got to the station, I made my entire family swear to not speak a word of Scorpius and I. That was definitely going to be hard for them. If my dad found out that I was involved with the son of Draco Malfoy I would be disowned. My mom would possibly be supportive. A lot of my family is really accepting of Scorpius as Albus' best friend, but I think it would be different for our situation. Albus doesn't make out with Scorpius. My family just simply can't find out. It's better that way.

I asked Scorpius what he was doing for the break and he said he didn't know. He's most likely just going to be in the Malfoy Manor with his dad and his dads parents. Scorpius doesn't really like them though. It's mostly his grandfather that he doesn't get along with.

I feel bad that Scorpius doesn't get to have the same kind of family as me. But I'm glad that when he is with Albus and our family they try to make him feel very welcome. Grandma Molly loves Scorpius because he is a gentleman. Harry and Ginny seem to like him as well.

Sometimes people just need a reminder that he is not his family, and his last name doesn't make him a bad person.

The train stops and I look out the window. So many parents are waiting anxiously for their kid. I see all of my family gathered together. My mom looks so excited. I get up from my seat and sort myself out. Wren and Holly are still cuddled up asleep together. I really don't want to break it up but they have to get up. I shake them awake and tell them we've arrived.

I grab my bags and stand up. Alice looks so tired and is struggling to hold her things. I don't think she got very good rest on the train. Sometimes she gets really motion sick. I give her a smile and she sends me a weak one back. Kaia is the opposite of her. She is full of energy and excited to get home. She definitely misses her dad, they're super close.

We finally get off the train and my mum gives me a huge hug. My dad does too. Ginny is hugging Mari and asking about her grand baby which prompts my dad to say, "Please tell me you didn't come home with one of those."

I shake my head and laugh. Merlin, I can't even imagine what my family would say if I were pregnant.

My parents greet Hugo in a similar fashion that they did for me. I look around and watch all the students being hugged by their parents and other family members. Sometimes it can be really hard to go to school further away. Alice and Frank and her dad all greet their mom, who is left all alone for a lot of the year. Mari and Kaia go over to their family, and they are all filled with joy. Wren and Holly are talking with both of their parents. I think they're telling them about what's been going on. Mr. Thomas looks teary eyed with sentiment. I look around the crowd to try and find Scorpius. A white-blond head of hair catches my eye.

Scorp and his dad seem to be having a very serious conversation. Draco pulls him in for a hug, but they both seem very hesitant. I think that after Scorpius' mom died, they became closer. I can see Draco mouth something like "I missed you" but I'm not sure.

I smile watching them. Before anyone can notice, I turn my head away from them. I don't need any of my family getting suspicious.

"Rose, Darling, please tell me all about your year so far! Anything exciting happen?" My mum asks me.

I smile and shake my head, "Oh you know, same old, same old. Classes have been pretty easy, friends have been doing well, and overall it's been pretty uneventful."

I hate lying to my mum, but it's better to keep in the dark as much as I can. She's insanely smart, so I don't want her catching onto any ideas. Hugo is looking at me with a judgmental look for lying to mum like that. I silently hush him and shrug it off. I'm not sure he understands everything of my situation. He's only 13.

Over the winter break, it's typical that all the cousins stay at The Burrow for most of the time. It can get really crowded though. My family uses Floo powder to transport to our home before going to The Burrow. That way we can situate ourselves and make sure we take what we need.

Once I'm in my home, I drop some things in my room. I make sure to pull Scorpius' jumper out of my trunk and put it in the back of my closet. As I hang it up, his faint scent wafts through my room. That is something I do not want my parents knowing I have.

"Rose! Let's go! Grandma made pie for us and I want to eat it while it's warm!" Hugo yells up to me from downstairs. I try to quickly sort everything I need and grab it. If I forget anything, I can always come back within seconds.

"Roooose!" Hugo yells again.

I exit my room in a run with my bags in hand, "I'm coming, calm down!"

And in an instant, my family was no longer in our own house, but transported to The Burrow. Hugo runs straight to the bin and vomits. He tends to do that when we Floo in short periods of time. More room for pie I suppose.

I'm sorry this took so long. It's a filler. Next chapter will hopefully be better and more eventful ;)

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