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Alice and I sit in silence as we read over our notes for potions class. We haven't really been reading over our notes as much as doodling in the margins. The library around us is empty. Peace at last. This year has been interesting so far to say the least. The last few weeks especially have been wild. I'm still convinced this year can be amazing.

Unfortunately, Ravenclaw is winning house cup as of right now. Slytherin is losing though, so that's good. After Scorp and Theo's fight they lost 40 points each which really hurt the house. The only Slytherins I know of that talk to Scorpius now are Mari and of course Albus.

Gryffindor's quidditch team has been great this year. We even won the game where Lucy, who plays seeker, broke an arm when she tried catching the snitch the first time in that game.

I also found out that apparently Lysander Scamander fancies me a bit. I'm not really interested but the girls have been bothering me about him ever since we found out a few days ago.

He's cute and all, but there's just something that isn't there that I think should be. I can't quite put my finger on it. I talked to my mum about it. She likes him but she doesn't want me to do something I'm not wanting to.

"Hey love," a voice from above says. I look up and Albus stands above Alice's shoulder. He sits down next to her. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and returns to her notes.

"Where's your evil sidekick?" I whisper to Albus across the table.

He raises and eyebrow, "Why so curious, Little Red? Sorry, but I have no clue where your boyfriend would be at the moment."

"Rose actually fancies Lysander, so you can give it up with Scorpius. They're kind of a thing now," Alice tells Albus. I hide my panic. She is lying to him!

"Oh, is this true, Rose?"

I just nod my head. What else was I supposed to do. Albus sighs and gets up. Both Alice and I are confused. As he leaves the library I whisper to my best friend.

"What the bloody hell? I don't even fancy him. I wonder what Al is going to do now?"

Alice just shrugs. Oh Merlin, what have we gotten ourselves into?


"So, I hear we have a thing now," A voice behind me says, startling me. I jump and turn around. Lysander is looking at me quite awkwardly. Neither of us do anything but look at each other from across the astronomy tower. I don't know what to say to him. Now I feel bad and how am I supposed to tell him I don't like him back.

"Uhm, about that," I start. Too bad I don't know what to say after that.

He steps closer to me, "Listen, I am pretty sure you don't actually like me back. I'm okay with that, I wouldn't want you to be unhappy. Can I just ask you why people think we have started something?"

I let a deep breath out, "I'm so sorry, Lysander. You're so amazing and I didn't want to hurt you. It's just that Albus and a lot of other people always bug me about his prick of a friend, Scorpius. For some reason people mistake our hatred for each other as fancying. Alice just said that you and I had a thing to get people off my back. She knows how much it annoys me."

"I'm not mad, Rose. To be completely honest, I think you and Malfoy would be kind of cute. But I respect you, so I won't bring that up. You and I would actually be really good mates I think. What do you say? Strictly friends, I swear I will not make a move. I'm just not that kind of guy," Lysander tells me and holds out his hand. If only more guys were good like him. Too bad I don't fancy him, he'd be awesome.

"I trust you, and I would love to be your mate," I tell him and shake his hand.

"Hey, what do you say we just fake it," Lysander suggests. I give him a confused look. What does he mean?

"Fake what?"

He lets out a sigh, "Okay so to keep people off your case about Malfoy, just pretend to date me. We'll hold hands in the halls and I'll walk you to classes. Nothing serious, just enough to keep him away."

I smile and nod, "Okay, Scamander. Or shall I say, boyfriend?"

so so short ik!
this is just a filler/set up for the rest of the plot and it felt weird to put it with more things.
as always I love you!

xo reyne🖤

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