No Feelings

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"Miss Granger-Weasley!" Professor Burke calls me out of my daze. I snap up at attention.

"Hmm?" I say. I was half asleep due to my lack of sleep recently. As much as I hate to admit it, Scorpius and I have been spending much more time together. What? He's a good snog! Nobody knows still of course. Alice is very suspicious of all my sneaking around and jumpiness as of late.

"I asked you a question, Miss Granger-Weasley. I expect an answer," Professor Burke says to me. I panic, but a small piece of parchment with, what I hope is the answer written on it, slides in front of me.

I smile at the Professor, "Draught of Peace, Love Potions, and Potion No. 86."

I glance to follow the hand from the paper and find that it belongs to none other than Scorpius Malfoy. He offers me a wink and I turn back to Professor Burke.

"Well done, Miss Granger-Weasley," She pauses. "You too, Malfoy."

Well? I tried.

"Daydreaming about me again, Weasley?" Scorpius whispers into my ear. I lightly push him away from me. I would never.

Burke releases us shortly after and I exit the classroom with Scorpius in tow. The dungeons are always chilly but with winter coming in full swing, they seem to be like an ice chest. I shiver as I walk, headed towards the Great Hall. Scorp slings his arm around my shoulder and I wriggle out. He earns a sharp hit on his arm for that.

"You're freezing, Rose. Let me warm you!"

I roll my eyes. Like that's what he cares about. Scorpius knows that we hate each other. No matter how many times we snog in that classroom, it won't change that we hate each other. He's terrible.

"Wear my jumper at least," Scorpius says. And before I can protest, he's pulling it off over his head. His shirt pulls up with his jumper.


What? Just because I hate him doesn't mean I have to ignore his attractiveness. I've said it before, my enemy is hot.

I decline his jumper and tell him to put it back on. If I put that on, everyone could know. Or at least make assumptions. It's a Slytherin jumper. I don't talk to many Slytherins.

"Just put the jumper on, you're freezing," Scorp says to me. He keeps shoving it in front of me, no matter how many times I turn it down.

"Scorp-" I start.

"Rose, don't be a bitch and just put the damn jumper on," Scorpius sighs. He sounds tired of my stubbornness. He shoves it in front of me one more time and this time I take it. Just so he would stop pestering me.

The warm fabric envelops me comfortingly. The cool surrounding air is blocked by the thick, fuzzy barrier. Now I'm glad I took the jumper.

We walk together in an awkward silence. I don't know to talk to Scorpius. Finally we make it to the Great Hall where many of our friends are sitting.

"Extra potions again?" Holly asks. Scorp and I both groan and nod. Both of us love potions and are quite good at it, top of our class. However, Professor Burke assigns too much work and she seems to hate me. Or everyone.

The two of us sit down and I feel a nudge in my side. After wincing, I turn and look at Alice. She's making big, curious eyes that dart around in confusion, looking for answers. I shrug back to her. Apparently that's been getting a little old for her. She grabs my wrist and yanks me up with her.

"Rose and I will be right back, gotta head to the loo real quick!"

As I'm being pulled away, I lock eyes with Scorpius. He shakes his head subtly and gives me eyes that tell me to keep my mouth shut.

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