Rules Were Made for Breaking

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The first few weeks back at school were strange to say the least. Many people talked shit about me and Scorp, and many people also talked shit about James and Mari. As if being young parents wasn't enough stress. It's hard to ignore everyone whispering when you walk by or giving you dirty looks across the Great Hall. Our friends are great support systems.

Some fourth year Ravenclaw girl was talking shit about my family in the courtyard one day, "They really can't get anything together. So much for being the perfect wizards. Associating with dark magic folk like the Malfoy's, and corrupting that Mari Fowler. Well, I guess it's her fault too. What a whore."

Kaia was with me when I overheard that. She tried to attack that girl. I would too, if it were my step-sister. Swears were coming out faster than I could listen. I had to hold her back by her forearms, not without great struggle. It wasn't until James came over and shuttled us off to a vacant hall. He talked Kaia down and told her to not sink to their level. James could have very well punished her as Head Boy for almost fighting that girl. But he's basically her brother in law, so he just wanted to make sure she wouldn't do something that he would have to punish her for.

One night, I sat in the Room of Requirement with my best friends just complaining about everything. Holly, Wren, Alice, Albus, Kaia, and Scorpius listened to me rant for about an hour. Scorp held my head in his lap as he played with my hair.

"At least you have a boyfriend!" Kaia complains. "I'm now the only single person in this group, and that's just sad. I'm surrounded by love. And I hate it."

"Kaia, you don't like relationships," Alice says in a confused tone. It's true. Kaia always says that strings are meant to be left unattached.

Kaia sighs, "It's nice to have someone look at you and compliment you and fuck you, though."

Everyone laughs at her comment. No filter. Never.

"Kaia, you don't need a boyfriend to shag," I laugh. She knows this, a little too well, but a reminder never hurts.

"Hey, Malfoy, you said to me earlier this year that you didn't want to go to the ball and that you were rubbish at dancing. What's the deal with that? From what I hear you practically begged Rose to the ball. And you're the best dancer I've seen," Kaia diverts the conversation away from herself.

"Uh," Scorpius stutters. I can tell her question made him nervous. "Well, I didn't want anybody to think I wanted to go so they wouldn't ask me. Nobody likes a bore who can't dance. I truly didn't want to go to the ball, unless it was with Rose."

Awwww. He's so sweet. I swear, once you wear him down enough, he is a soft little boy. In public, he hardly smiles and is very quiet. He only talks to a select few, and is always a little shit when he does talk. Scorpius doesn't give you any sugar coating. He's honest, even when it hurts. Well, most of the time.

The rest of the night was full of laughter and chatter. I wish we could always just live in our little bubble. Other people just make things so. . . complicated.

"Rose!" Someone shakes me awake. I wake up and see the Gryffindor common room's bright colors all around me. A face comes dangerously close to mine.


I groan and roll over while mumbling, "What."

Right now I would kill for some sleep. The heat of the fire is keeping me all cozy, and this is one hell of a couch. My body is pulled back so I am laying flat again. Blue-Grey eyes meet mine.

"It's officially my birthday! I have the perfect idea for something that we can do!"

"How the bloody hell are you even in here?" I let out another groan, followed by a yawn.

"Scorpius, you know we shouldn't be sneaking around anymore with my uncle here. Plus, Peeves has been extra troublesome lately. I know we've been fine before, but I can't get into trouble," I explain slowly. The words don't roll of my tongue as the typically do.

Scorp scoops me up off the couch and stands me up next to him. I lean most of my weight on him for support. Am I even really awake?

"What if we go somewhere that we're allowed to be?"

"What are you on about?"

"We're prefects, Rosie. We can't get in trouble for being out at night. If we get caught we could just say we were reprimanding some first years. Besides, nobody can kick us out of the prefects bathroom," Scorp whispers down to me.

"I'm not skinny dipping with you," I step back and look up at him. He's ridiculous if he thinks he can get me naked so easily. I can't believe he woke me up for this.

He laughs, "Fine, keep your nickers on, I don't care. Just come on."

He grabs my hand and leads me out of the common room. We silently race through the halls to reach the prefects bathroom. I answer the code and we enter into the extravagant room. Even in the middle of the night, the room shines brightly through its brilliance.

After turning it on, Scorpius eagerly begins stripping off his clothes. I nervously follow suit. I pull off the jumper I had on and my joggers as well. I immediately want to cover my body. My arms wrap around my stomach, and I slouch in hope that it will hide me. Scorpius is beautiful. His body is perfect. It makes me so insecure standing next to him. Scorpius turns around and frowns at me.

"Is this making you uncomfortable? We don't have to," Scorpius asks quietly. His voice still seems to echo in the room.

"No, it's just, intimidating. I mean, you're really fit and everything about you is perfect. I just," I falter.

"Rose. How many times do I have to tell you that you're the most beautiful girl in the world? Everyone has their insecurities. But I think you're perfect."

Scorp holds out his hand, offering me take it. Hesitantly, I remove my arm from my stomach and lift my hand to his. He smirks and nods slowly. Our other hands join as well so that my stomach is exposed to him. He's going to be disappointed and think I'm ugly.

But I find that it's quite the opposite. He widens our arms to get a better look. His eyes take me in. He scans over my body more than once. I see that his smirk turns into a beaming smile. He takes in a deep breath and lets it out as he speaks, "You're gorgeous, so effortlessly and unknowingly gorgeous."

My face heats up. A soft smile plays upon my lips. He makes me feel like rain in a drought. Little does he know that he's my rain.

I let go of Scorpius' hands and wrap my arms around him. His hands fall to the small of my back and pull me in close. He places a soft kiss on my forehead.

Scorpius leans his head down to whisper in my ear, "Now, let's do what we came here to do."

Before I know it, Scorpius lifts me off my feet and starts running. I am tossed into the pool-like bathtub. When I resurface, I have to brush the hair off my face before I can reprimand my idiot boyfriend.

"You little shit! I could have died!"

Scorp chuckles, "Calm down, Red. You're fine."

He dives in after me. When he comes back up he smiles and pecks my cheek. We laugh together. We swim and goof off into the morning, when we place our clothes back over our soaking undergarments and part ways.

I return to my dorm silently and turn in after changing into warm, dry pajamas.

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