Train Ride

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Scorpius Pov
Rose strode off to go see her friends. I looked to Albus and we nodded to each other. In perfect synchronization, we picked up our things, turned over our shoulders, and said "See you later guys!" We then walked onto the train and found an empty compartment.

"I can't believe it Scorpius," Albus said to me as we sat down.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"You and Rosie hate each other. But I see what's happened. You fancy my cousin don't you!" He said rather loudly.

"Keep you voice down won't you! I've got no idea what you're on about. I always do and say stuff like that to make her squirm. It's like my signature thing! Fall for Rose Weasley, who do you think you're talking to?" I retort. I realize how defensive I got, wow.

"Huh. I don't think you'll be so convinced you don't fancy her by the end of term," Albus quizzically responded. I don't say anything, I just roll my eyes and look down.

Soon after, other family members of Albus' joined us. Including James, Fred, Louis, and Molly. Rose and all her friends walked pass afterwards. She stopped and looked in. All the girls stopped with her.

"Join us why don't you, darling?" I asked smirking.

"I would make up some lame excuse to not sit here if my parents were around but seeing as they're not, I won't have to. Let's just say that even thinking about sitting in a compartment with you for a train ride makes me sick, Malfoy," Rose said in disgust.

"Rose Weasley! How dare you!" Molly gasped.

"It's fine, Molly. I'm used to being hated by now. Especially by her," I said. Once the words came out of my mouth they sounded 10x more depressing than I thought they would. The entire compartment went awkwardly silent.

"I'll be going now. We're only a couple of cabins down if you need me," Rose said quietly. It seemed as though she felt bad for what she had said. I ignored it, she obviously didn't truly care for me.

Rose Pov
Well, Scorpius surely does know how to make me feel quite shitty about myself. I guess I should apologize, but I never have and I don't think he'd actually appreciate it. As we sat down in our compartment, the girls tried to cheer me up.

"It's okay! He probably is just being dramatic!"

"Maybe he's only joking with you!"

"It really wasn't that bad!"

I thought I had heard it all until Holly says, "I heard Albus and him talking while I was talking to my brother in his compartment. It's just across from theirs. He can't hate you because it sounded like he fancies you."

"WHAT!?" I practically yell. That caught me off guard. No way he fancies me. We hate each other. "But we hate each other!" I say.

"I'll be right back!" Alice says with wide eyes. A while later she comes back in beaming.

"Albus said he's pretty sure Scorp fancies you. He also said Scorpius refuses to believe that," She explains

"So he doesn't like me! Thank Merlin!" I let out and exasperated sigh.

"Even if he doesn't like you now we all know you two are destined to be together," Kaia comments. The other girls nod in agreement.

"Whatever," I say rolling my eyes.

The rest of the train ride was spent devouring sweets, gossiping, discussing classes, and debating over who will win house cup. Wren is convinced this was Ravenclaw's year but she says that every year.

Finally, we had arrived. I was so excited. Hogwarts was like my second home, and like I said this is going to be a great year.
Ooooh I love and hate this chapter at the same time. I'm sorry it's short I know. I just feel like this is a good place to cut it off. I don't want to have chapters this short!! Tell me what you want to see more/less of. I'm going to be involving more couples so don't worry!

xo reyne🖤

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