Chickens and Swans

537 21 7

Once we gather in the Great Hall, I find my friends to stand next to. Alice is leaning on Albus, who seems to be the least interested person here. Scorpius is talking to Kaia and another girl named Tinley Baxter, a Slytherin. Despite her tall figure and blonde hair, Tinley is not highly regarded by the boys. She is quite the spoiled brat and acts like a psycho bitch if you do something she doesn't like. I don't know why Scorp was talking to her.

Scorpius turns to look at me once I walk up to Alice. He comes over to me and wraps a lanky arm around my neck. I nervously laugh, not knowing what else to do. "There's my favorite dance partner!"

I look up at him in confusion. What the bloody hell is he doing? I wriggle myself out of his grasp and tell him to go back to Tinley and Kaia. He shrugs carelessly and does as I say. Does he not understand that there is nothing between us?

I roll my eyes and direct my attention to Mcgonagall as she begins her speech and then hands it off to Mari.

We are told to couple up and I have nobody to dance with yet again. Alice is with Albus. Holly is with Parker Wells, again. Wren is with Cal Renner. I look over to see who Kaia went with and see her grabbing the hand of some Ravenclaw I've seen before, but I don't know his name. As I'm turned that way, I see that Scorpius has his hand on Tinley's waist.

Why is he with her? I had no clue they even talked to each other. Nobody likes her. She's evil. My whole body got hot and I forced myself to turn away. When I turned back, I saw everyone coupled up except me. No fucking way. This should be like impossible right? What the fuck.

I looked up at Mari with my bitch face on. Why does nobody want to dance with me? I'm great. I'm so nice to all of the boys and it's not like we don't talk. Not even Lysander would dance with me and we're still good friends. He's with a girl named Ayanna.

"Um, just come over here with me," Mari tells me and waves me over. "Do any guys not have a partner?"

In the crowd, a hand is raised. My hopes rise. The crowd parts and I see Clark Mckee, total loser. Not only is he weird, but he is completely incompetent. I don't think I have ever heard him say a grammatically correct sentence in my life. I roll my eyes, and he walks over to me.

Mari whispered in my ear that she would have my back and to not worry. Merlin, I hope she does. She tells us to circle up, girls on the inside and boys on the out.

"In this dance, we will be changing partners every so often. You cannot get too comfortable with any single person. If you have a problem with someone dancing with you girlfriend or boyfriend, too bad you have to suck it up."

Mari and James demonstrate the dance to us and then show us how to switch partners. It isn't hard at all, you just can't lose track of yourself. The dance with the partner part is harder than what we have done before, so I am sure I will do terribly. I wish dancing came naturally to me.

Soon enough, the music is playing and we are all dancing. Clark's dry hands are disgusting to touch. I want to throw up. He also seems to be worse of a dancer than me. His feet are always on top of mine. This is the complete opposite of when I was dancing with Scorpius. He moved like a swan, and Clark moves like a chicken with its head off.

I'm so happy when it comes time to switch partners. I get away from Clark with one easy spin. Now I am partners with the Ravenclaw I don't know. He isn't bad but not great, and he seems very nice. Kaia is now dancing with Scorpius. I sneak a few looks at them as they dance. I recognize that they look stiff and smirk to myself. Wow, smirking? Who am I? Scorpius Malfoy? We switch again and I feel warm as Scorpius grabs my waist and hand. Ew.

"So, what's with you and Tinley?" I ask as soon as I face him. I want to learn as much as I can before we have to switch again.

Scorp chuckles, "What's with you and Mckee?"

I roll my eyes and look up at him with big eyes. I make a little bit of a pout to him. Then I do what might be a little bit of torture for him. I look away, bite my lip slightly, look down, and then look back up at him with a smirk.

"Don't you fucking dare even start that shit, Rose Weasley," he warns me quietly I giggle a little and look back up to him.

"So... tell me about Tinley," I say to him. I'm not quite sure why I need to know, but I do.

Scorpius leans down to my ear and whispers, "She wants to take your place."

I raise my eyebrows. What is my place? The girl he hooks-up with? The annoying girl he fights with?


"Let's just say there's only one Rose Weasley," Scorpius whispers in my ear. With Albus not but a person away, we would have to be careful. He can't ever find out. I smile with satisfaction. Take that, Tinley.

"You wouldn't happen to know why nobody wants to dance with me, would you?" I ask to him. He smiles. He shakes his head and I frown. Hmm. I'll figure it out.

Just as we're about to switch, Mari speaks up, "Okay, good job on that. You're now going to stay in these partners for awhile."

I look to Alice and we both have horrified looks on our faces. She is with Blake Johnson, who is really hot but not Albus. She looks up at my partner and starts laughing. I would too if I were her. Everyone knows how Scorpius and I hate each other.

That's all they need to know.

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