Platform 9 3/4

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Rose POV:
I was beginning my 5th year at Hogwarts and couldn't be more excited. There was just one thing keeping me from reaching my max excitement rate, and that thing was Scorpius Malfoy, my enemy since first year. Okay maybe not enemy because Albus forced us into a friendship, if you could even call it that.

That was beside the point though, because this was going to be a great year for me. I'm determined for it to be. I stood with all of my family at Platform 9 3/4. Yes, that was a lot of people if you were wondering and yes, it was very very crowded. There would be 10 of us Weasley/Potters attending Hogwarts this year. That makes 20 total people of our clan here but we are all used to a huge bunch.

All of a sudden, my least favorite family walks over quite merrily.

"Hello Potters, Weasleys. How was your holiday?" Draco Malfoy asked.

The whole grouped looked at each other awkwardly and then all at Uncle Harry. He then looked up to the Malfoy's.

"Very enjoyable. Thank you for asking, and yours?" Uncle Harry responded curtly.

"It was alright. Would've been nicer to see my son more often but it seems that once again he's preferred to spend most his time at The Burrow," Mr. Malfoy joked. Sometimes I can't tell when he's joking because he's usually such a serious man.

"We should probably begin boarding. It would be nice to get a couple compartments saved for our large family. That way be don't have to sit with strangely nice Hufflepuffs or know it all Ravenclaws," James Potter butted in. With that comment he received bunches of whacks on the head from family members.

"Only joking," James said with a laugh.

"James is actually kind of right. We need to get a move on. Oh! There's my friends!" I add as I spot my friends coming towards me on the platform.

"Rosie, I am truly offended I thought you'd want to hang out with me. Or am I not your best friend, I surely thought I was!" Scorpius says hooking his arm around my neck as if he were to give me a noogie.

"Shove off Scorp!" I say roughly. Then as he's leaned down next to me, I whisper, "I'd rather be expelled than be friends with you."

"Feisty, I like it," he whispers back.

I feel my face start to heat up. He always does this, says flirty things to make me uncomfortable. I have to get out, quickly. I turn back to my family.

"Goodbye everyone. I'll see you all round Christmas," I announce.

"Have a good year, sweetie," My mother says.

"Oh don't worry. It's going to be a great one," I say. With that I grab up all my things off the trolley and go to meet my friends. I see them standing together.

Alice Longbottom is furthest from me. Her long blond hair is curled to perfection and her blue eyes seem to be glistening. She's in Gryffindor but has been convinced for years the sorting hat made a mistake. Next to Alice is Kaia Bixby. She's a muggle born with brown curly locks and green eyes. She's in Gryffindor as well. Closer to me are Wren Thomas and Holly Finnigan. They've been best friends since birth. Wren looks a whole lot like her dad. Holly has sharp and pointed features like her mum but the eyes and hair of her dad. Wren is in Ravenclaw but because of Holly we got to know her better.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey Rosie! Missed you over break. Kidding, obviously. I think I saw you more than my own parents," Alice says.

"Don't worry you'll see lots of your dad during the school year," I said whilst laughing. Just then, Holly seems as if she has remembered something.

"Oh! I've just remembered! I need to speak with Sam! He's on the train! I'll meet you there!" She says and runs off.

"So Rose what's with your face being the same color as your hair?" Kaia questioned but before I could answer she did it for me, "Oh I see you and Malfoy must've been flirting again."

"That is so not true! It was him who talked not me!" I retorted.

"Whatever, lets just go get a compartment," Wren suggested.

So this is my first chapter! Tell me what you think and be honest! I have no idea if most chapters will be this length or not! Hope you liked it!!

xo reyne🖤

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