First Part of the Schoolday 1/3

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Rose's POV
"Wake up, Rosie! Class is in 15 minutes!" A deep voice calls. I groggily look up to see the red and gold colors of the Gryffindor common room. I flip over onto my back and find James standing at the top of the boys staircase. Realization hits me like a bus.

"Shit!" I yell. Thank goodness the
common room is empty except for us. All the other kids are probably heading to class or talking in the halls. "Why are you still here?"

James chuckles lightly and strolls down the steps, "Oh little Rosie, I thought you'd get it by now. I've got some things to do." He adds an evil wink to his evil smirk before walking out of the room.

I haul myself up off the couch and scurry up to my room. I sift through my unpacked luggage to find my wrinkled robes at the bottom. Of course. I slip them on as quickly as I possibly can and sprint to my first class. Potions with the Slytherins. Of course. That's in the dungeons. I slam my feet on the ground running through the nearly empty halls. I am running so quickly to the dungeons I trip over my own feet. Of course. I pull myself back up and continue my sprint. I finally reach the classroom and burst through the door.

"Miss Granger-Weasley. How nice of you to join us. Almost tardy, and we wouldn't like to start off the year like that would we, especially with you being prefect?" Professor Burke asks. I shake my head as a response. I had almost forgotten that I'm a prefect. To be completely honest, I don't see the big rage about it. My parents are ecstatic about it though, because they were also both prefects.

"Please take your seat," she directs. I look out at the tables. I typically sit by Alice in my classes but I see her sat next to Albus. She gives me an apologetic look but I send her a reassuring glance. I keep looking for other seats. The only one left is next to Malfoy. I grudgingly take my seat next to him.

"Come here often?" Scorpius jokingly asks. Merlin, he's so dumb. I ignore his comment and turn my attention to the Professor. I can not believe I'm being forced to sit next to Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

"Who knows what happens when a person over-does the ingredients for the Draught of Peace?" Professor Burke asks the class. I raise my hand along with a few other students. The professor calls on me.

"The drinker will be put into a deep sleep that is irreversible in some cases," I answer. That one was easy.

"Great job! Now, who knows the color of this potion?" the Potions Master asks.

I raise my hand and see that nobody else does. Are they serious? This one is easier than the last. I turn back to the Professor and give her a smile. I'm ready to be called on when she says, "Mr. Malfoy?"

I look to my left to see that Scorpius had half-heartedly raised his hand right after I turned back.

"After brewed, the potion should be a turquoise blue color and should emit some sort of silvery vapor," Malfoy answers. Damn, he's good. That answer was perfect, almost textbook!

The rest of the lesson was just Professor Burke asking questions about Draught of Peace and the class answering them. I just want to go to my next class, which is Transfiguration. I love Transfiguration, and I'm really quite good at it as well.

Finally, the lesson is over and I can leave. Don't get me wrong, potions is great and everything, but sitting next to Malfoy is not. I walk out of the room and out into the hallway. I wait for Alice, Kaia, and Holly to get out of the room. Once they do, we all walk to our next classes together.

"What do you all have next?" I ask them. I already know that Alice has Charms but for Kaia and Holly, I have no idea.

"I have Transfiguration," says Holly. Thank goodness I have somebody with me.

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