Common Rooms

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Scorpius' POV
Albus and I don't sleep. Well, sometimes we do, but that's rare. We always stay up in the Common Room either talking, studying, or playing wizards chess. We both are absolute rubbish at wizards chess, but it's a good pass time. Today, we talk.

"So, Rosie was kissing a couple guys tonight." Al states.

"And? Why would that bother me?" I respond.

"Oh come on Scorp! We both know you are lying straight through your teeth. You have taken a liking to Rose," He tells me, as if he's trying to convince me. Me, like Rose Weasley? Never.

"She's absolutely disgusting. Her hair looks like a bush, her face is shaped like a pinecone, and she's a snotty little bitch," I explain.

"I conquer on the bitch part, sometimes. So, if you don't like Rose, what girls are you looking at?" He questions.

"I'm not sure, Kaia has got a nice body though," I admit.

"You two were flirting like, the whole night. Although you were the same way with my dear cousin so. I don't know if I should trust you, Malfoy," He tells me.

"I'm just kinda, flirty. It's like my thing. My father insulted people, I flirt with people. Us Malfoy's are very social people," I remind him.

"Whatever," Al replies with an eye roll. I honestly don't even know if I like Kaia or not. Sure, she's hot, but there is just something about her that isn't doing it for me. Lovely girl, but maybe not my lovely girl.

"I can't believe we are already back here. I feel like soon enough we're going to be leaving and getting jobs." I think out loud.

"The future is a scary thing. Oh my God, then we're gonna have kids. Yikes. I'm not sure if I want kids." Albus comments and I nod in agreement.

Rose's Pov
Kaia, Alice, Holly, and I are all sitting in the Gryffindor common room. I'm personally laying down on the couch. Alice is sitting with my legs on top of her lap and Kaia and Holly are sitting in the chairs opposite to us.

"Alright ladies, who does everyone like because I don't know what might've changed over summer." Holly asks.

"Albus, duh" Alice answers quickly.

"Scorpius or Fred" Kaia tells us.

I'm not sure who I like. I'll play it safe with my answer, "Lysander."

The girls look really surprised by my answer. I mean he's cute! Kaia looks relieved. Yeah we get it, you don't want me to like Scorpius. What happened to her thinking we were made for each other? Guess she sorted out her priorities. Greedy bitch, but she's still like one of my besties. Ugh, major eye roll.

"Guys, what do you think about the names Millie for a girl and Travis for a boy?" Kaia randomly asks.

"Cute! I love baby names!"

"Great names!"

"Millie is so cute!"

The girls are now all talking about what they want their future kids to be named. Alice wants two girls and a boy, named Emmi, Korynne, and Nolan. Holly wants two boys named Baylor and Kayne.

"I want a girl named Lyra and a boy named Phoenix," I tell them.

"Why do you want such weird names?" Holly asks.

"I think they sound cool and I think that could give my kid some confidence. Plus that's barely weird to my family. I mean we have a Hermione and an Albus." I tell them. I genuinely like those names, I don't understand why Holly doesn't like them. For a while we talk about our futures like we have a clue. Then, Kaia decides we should do something more interesting. Wasn't she the one to suggest this? Whatever.

She wants to do what we typically do during passing time and at meals. That would be rating. We take the people in our year and rate them. You know, just typical bitch stuff. We rate girls, boys, and one time we even rated inanimate objects. Sometimes we do people out of our year to make things more interesting. Holly decides to start us off, "Wylie Jamison." Wylie is a tall, muscular, dark haired, 7th year Gryffindor. He is very hot and also a major douche. He has no respect for anyone and is about as incompetent as a slug. Also, my ex-boyfriend.

Kaia, "9 on looks. 3 on personality."

Alice, "God I would go even lower! Like a 1 on personality!"

And me, I just sat there and said, "Yeah." Last year when we dated, Wylie hurt me bad. Both emotionally and physically. We fought a lot and he would slap me one minute and then try to cuddle me the next. He's a couple years older and I was really intimidated by him. He constantly wanted in my pants, which I refused. I mean, I was 14! Many times. James found out about how toxic our relationship really was and beat Wylie Jamison to a pulp. I haven't spoken a word to him since.  

Kaia speaks up and says, "Cal Renner?"

I say, "6"

The other girls nod in agreement. And we look around at each other to see who will come up with our next victim.

I do it, "Bianca Bridges." All the girls roll their eyes. Bianca was so annoying and very much a wannabe.

"4 for effort", Alice tries. The rest just kind of nod.

"Oh my gosh. Frank!" Kaia squeals.

Alice laughs with a light eye roll. Her brother is hot and she knows it because we won't ever let her forget.




"And a perfect score goes to.... Frank Longbottom! The perfect package including funny, nice, smart, thoughtful, athletic, hot as fu-" Holly gets interrupted by Alice.

"Okay, okay, we get it! You better stop talking about my big brother before I tell him what you lot have been saying about him!"

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hey guys it's reyne!!! omg im so sorry for stalling on this chapter! it took me forever to want to write it bc im a lazy bitch but whatever🤷🏽‍♀️. i hope y'all enjoy it and please please please leave your thoughts in some comments!  i love you guys sm! thank you for reading! bye!

xo reyne🖤

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