third part of the schoolday 3/3

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Rose's POV

"Look who it is!" Kaia points across the green. We all turn to see a tall blue haired boy walking with a blonde girl.

"Teddy!" Albus screams and gets up to great him. The boy runs across and squeezes the life out of Teddy.

"Can't- breath-," Teddy gasps. Victoire is laughing at the two. I get up and go see the Hogwarts Alumni, followed by the rest of my friends.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were traveling!" I ask Victoire.

"We just got back! Oh it was so magical, Rose!" She tells me. I'm so very jealous of the two. They went traveling all around the world for Victoire's 21st birthday.

"Where was your favorite place?" I ask her.

"Oh, France was beautiful! So was Thailand though. Ooooh I think I'd have to say the Netherlands!"

The girls get up to greet Victoire with excitement. Victoire has always been like our older sister. I'm not sure why she's here at Hogwarts though.

The boys seem to be off in their own world so us girls begin walking around the lake. We are far enough that they won't hear us when I ask, "So judging by the fact you don't have a ring on your finger I'd say Teddy didn't propose?"

"No he didn't, Rose. It's not like I expect him to. We're still young and if he's not ready to marry me that's fine because we've got a lot of life to live. Although I do hope he does propose someday," Victoire tells us all. Even though she claims she's fine, I can tell she's disappointed. The two have been dating for about five years now and they are so in love. Especially with that grand trip they went on I would've thought Teddy would propose then.

"So if not to announce your engagement, why are you here?" Kaia asks. Thank goodness she did, I think everyone was wondering.

"Mcgonagall called us in. She wants us to help out with this ball you'll be having. She said she needs young people's opinions," Vic explains. "James and Mari can't be the only people helping out! So we'll be staying on campus of Hogwarts for the next 3 1/2 ish months."

I clap my hands together in excitement. I absolutely love Teddy and Victoire. Maybe Victoire can help me sort out some of the problems I've been having in my head. She always has a refreshing perspective of things. Merlin, I missed her so much. And Teddy too of course.

"Guys, I have a serious dilemma. I don't know what to do about the ball," Alice complains. We all kind of look at her confused.

"Uh, aren't you gonna go with your boyfriend?" Holly asks.

"I need to be honest with you guys, and with myself. Albus and I, we aren't dating. Never were. So basically we both liked each other and knew that so we started talking more. Then we would sneak around, snog in broom closets before Mcgonagall found us, and go on dates to hogsmeade. That was last year. I guess we're like exclusive and everybody assumes we are dating. The truth is that Al never asked me out and if you really pay attention he's never actually called me "his girlfriend". He lets other people say that but he never does. I'm kind of nervous, what if he's just using me?" Alice explains. Wow. I never knew that and I'm Alice's best friend. Also, I'm going to kill my cousin.

Before we even know it, we've lapped the lake and are back to see the boys. None of the girls really know what to do. I feel so bad for Alice.

"Hey Al, can Rose and I talk with you for a minute?" Victoire asks as soon as we get to them. I look to see Alice with panic in her eyes. He nods and the three of us walk away to one of the outside hallways.

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