Turn Your Life Around

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"You two are so cute I swear!" Fellow Gryffindor Hailey Wells says to me before the start of History of Magic Class. That class never fails to make me yawn. But it is very important that I pay attention because I need to have good marks.

"Oh thank you! I'm lucky to have him in my life," I respond. Just then the professor walks in and we are silenced.

Professor Binns. His class makes me want to join him in the afterlife. That voice of his is just so monotonous. 

Get me out of here!

Just then there is a knock on the door.

"Drake, answer the door," the professor tells Isla Davies. He has a very long history of not knowing names.

She scurries to the door and lets in the Headmistress. Everyone sits up in their seats and tries to act more enthralled. Some kids even write down fake notes. I can tell by her face she does not buy any of it.

"Miss Granger-Weasley, please come with me," she says with no emotion on her face or in her voice. Yikes, no I could be begging to remain in this bore of a class.

I grab my things and leave the classroom with the Headmistress. My typical confident posture is replaced by a little girl shaking in her skin. What could I have done this time? If my mother hears about another altercation with me I will not be seeing my family for the holidays.

Before I know it, I'm entering her office. However, we are not alone. I see all my cousins scattered around the room. My feet have me walk to Molly.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" I ask her.

"I wish I knew. Mcgonagall is being so weird about whatever this is. Do you think we should be worried?"

I shrug. Oh Merlin I hope everything is okay. Something has to wrong or she wouldn't have us all in here. I here some snickering from across the office. Fred and James are messing with something on one of the tables. I leave Molly's side and go over to them.

"Please tell you two know something about why we're here," I say to the boys. They look at me a shrug before going back to messing with the Headmistress' things.

Finally I go to Albus. Before I can even ask if he knows what's going on, he shrugs to me. I stand with him in silence. Without even speaking to him I can tell that he is nervous. His middle finger will not stop tapping his leg. He always does that when he's nervous.

"Students! I'm sure you're all curious as to why I have gathered you in my office. There has just been a running theme with this family recently. It seems that all of you have not been doing well in class lately. Is there something going on that any of you would like to tell me about?" Mcgonagall questions. My grades are most likely the best in the family. Knowing my cousins, I'm scared by what some of their poor work looks like.

There has been a lot going on in my personal life lately, like having to fake having a boyfriend and dealing with my friends that seem to be really weird this year. I didn't know the rest of my family members also had interesting lives. I cannot let these things get in the way of my grades. Fifth year is important. I take my O.W.L.s which basically determines the rest of my life. Also, I'm a prefect which is a lot of responsibility.

"If nothing is going on for the group of you, how are all of you doing particularly rubbish in your classes lately? Miss Molly Weasley, Professor Flitwick has reported that you have been asleep for 3 of his lessons this week so far. Mr. James Potter, you have not turned in your last 2 papers for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Mr. Louis Weasley, unless you have forgotten you are expected to be able to perform the spells learned. Miss Granger-Weasley, I expected more from you. You have just not been yourself in classes lately, you have not been the same girl I chose for Prefect."

Ouch, that one hurt. The Headmistress looked like she could hurl us all out the window. I suppose no ones having too great of a year. She releases us from her office after telling us all to turn ourselves around and I feel deflated.

There is only one way I can make things better for myself. I must stop with the drama, stop with the fun, free time, and start studying. How have I let myself get this far? I cannot speak for my family, but I believe things should change for us. We will not be known as some loser family.


That night I sit in the library alone. I've spoken with all of my professors to let them know I will make an effort to improve in the classroom. I'm disappointed in myself, but I will not let this year fail.

It's going to be a good year, I tell myself again. Hopefully if I keep telling myself that, it will be true in the end.

For now, all I can do is sit in between some library shelves with all of my notes and books and try to study as hard as I can. If the O.W.L.s don't kill me, my mum probably will if I do poorly.

My night is filled with papers, groans of anger, but mainly silence. I doze off for a bit, no longer than an hour for sure.

During that short period of time that I was asleep, I had probably the worst dream. Mcgonagall was scolding me and my mother was yelling at me and I was shunned by my friends because I failed all my exams. They expelled me from the school! Of course in this nightmare, Scorpius received all O's on his exams and replaced me in my own family. It was horrible.

The only thing worse than that, that I can imagine up, is having to watch everyone you love die or possibly being eaten alive by spiders. They're both very wretched things in their own ways.

After that horrible nightmare, I decided it was time to collect my things and head to bed. If I'm going to get back on my game, I can't be sleep deprived. I passed my fake boyfriend on my way up.

"Hey, uh, Lysander! Just so you know, I'm breaking up with you already," I say and realize how exhausted I really sound.

"Oh, okay I guess. Can I ask why?"

"I just have a lot going on with school and stuff so drama and relationships is not the best thing for me right now. Maybe once I can redeem myself we can try to fake date again. For now, a lone wolf is what I need to be in most aspects of my life," I inform him. He nods with a smile and keeps walking. Thank Merlin he's a cool guy.

I keep trudging in and finally make it back up to my dorm. I don't even have time to change into my pajamas because as soon as I flip onto my bed, I'm out like a light.

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