Second part of the Schoolday 2/3

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Rose's Pov
We walk into the Gryffindor Common Room to find it dead silent, and empty. This is typically never the case. There are usually people in here a lot.

"We are not just going to stay here are we?" Kaia asks. I get where she's coming from. Where the hell is everybody?

"Let's go check the Great Hall, maybe some people will be there," Alice suggests. As a fifth year, we are allowed to not do one of the optional classes and have a free period, almost everyone has chosen to do this.

We all leave the Gryffindor common room and begin down the stairs. As we walk, I see Isla Davies running down the stairs in a rush.

"Isla, what are you running for?" Alice yells across to her. Isla stops and looks up to see who yelled to her and she spots us.

"Did you not hear? Mcgonagall's making some big announcement in the Great Hall. We all better hurry or we'll miss it. I thought everyone knew," she tells us. We all just look at each other and start sprinting.

"Thanks Isla!" I yell back. Kaia, Alice and I just run as fast as we can to the Great Hall. We get there to see all of the other students sitting at their tables, even Isla Davies is seated at Ravenclaw.

"Our apologies, Headmistress, we were unaware of the announcement," I say to her.

"Miss Granger-Weasley, I told you in my class. Maybe next time you'll pay attention. 5 points from Gryffindor, each," Mcgonagall says. After that, many groans are heard from the gryffindor table, along with my own. I can't believe this, I never heard anything about an announcement. We take seats at the table where Holly is sitting.

"Anyways, as you all know, 27 years ago the last Triwizard Tournament took place," Mcgonagall starts. Lots of gasps are heard. "Along with that, was the last Yule Ball. All of the professor and myself have decided Hogwarts needs to have a little more- er- fun. That's why we have decided to host our own ball."

Applause erupts throughout the gym. I spot more than a couple unenthusiastic guys giving each other glances. I can't believe this, a ball! My parents always told me about the Yule Ball. Their experience was, interesting to say the least. The only problem, I need a date.

"Simmer down, children. Now, the ball will be for 4th years and up only. It will be hosted here, in the Great Hall, on Christmas night. Dress ware is appropriate. Suits for the men, dresses for ladies. It will begin at 8:00 and finish at Midnight. To prepare for this occasion, we will have dance lessons. After lunch, the Great Hall will be cleared for lessons that alternate by grade every day. Wednesdays, so today, 5th years, Thursdays, tomorrow, 6th years, Fridays, 7th years and 4th years on the weekends. Thank you, students, you may return to your classes," Mcgonagall finishes. As soon as she stops talking, the students set off in loud chatter. Wren comes running over to the Gryffindor table.

"Oh my God! Can you guys believe this? It's amazing, a ball!" Wren expresses her excitement.

"Cool down, Ravenclaw. You sound like a bubbling bimbo," I comment while laughing. "But I do agree, a ball is quite fascinating."

We continue walking back to the Gryffindor common room and talk all about this wonderful news.

Scorpius' Pov
"I thought they were bringing back the Triwizard Tournament for sure!" I exclaim to Albus.

"After what happened last time? Sure. C'mon Scorp, think a little more. It doesn't even matter because now, we need dates," Albus told me. Great.

"Yeah, that'll be a walk in the park for you. You and Alice are almost inseparable. I'm surprised you didn't sprint over to her right after the announcement. 'Oh, Alice, my love! Please go to the ball with me, please! I'll love you forever!'" I mock my best friend.

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