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It's been two weeks since the "Fab Five" broke into the Emperor's stronghold. Two weeks since Soarin died. Two weeks since Luz lost all feeling in her legs. After what happened, sleep didn't come without the haunting of dreams. Luz stared at the outside world, the wind blowing through the multi colored trees, mutated birds flying around in the air. The bright blue sky reminded her of her father's eyes, a memory deep in the back of her mind, bright blue orbs looking down at her, a bright smile, the feeling of love. Luz looked down at her immobile legs sitting lip in her wheel chair.

Mr Park sat next to Luz as she sat on the floor her legs extended, Mr Park went down her leg pricking her with a needle. The only response her body had was when the needle went below her ankle.

"Your body has gone through the suitable repairs to have you up an walking again, but it seems something's blocking you." Ash stood up and out away his tools in a drawer. Luz struggled to get herself into her wheel chair, Mr Park reached out a hand to help her but she slapped it away using the rest of her strength to pull herself back into the chair, sighing in relief as sunk back into it.

"What do you mean something's blocking me." Luz questioned as Mr Park pulled up a chair and sat down in from of her.

"The mind can often serve as a wall a barrier of sorts, in short, you simply don't want to walk again." It was hard to contain the much desired laughter from spill past her lips.

"I don't want to walk again. That's funny. All I wanna do is walk again. I can't stand everyone taking care of me, I can't use magic I can't change my clothes or make food for myself! I'm sick of all this stupid shit. I'm Useless!"

The days without her mobility went on and on. Her friends would visit sometimes, she saw Willow the most due to her healing sessions with her dad. Gus was usually around Willow so it wasn't uncommon to see him. Amity and Boscha's presence was scarce. Boscha was still mourning the (not so) tragic death of her brother. Though Luz didn't know Amity's excuse, they hadn't talked since the kiss they shared after breaking her out. The kiss. Oh fuck that's why she hasn't been around! Not that I kiss her. She kissed ME. I mean I did kiss back...but it was just a silly thing in the heat of the moment. No all....

"Luz!!" Eda's voice travelled up to her room. The young adult sighed wheeling herself out of her room and down to the living room where Eda sat with a large book in her lap. A pale finger was moving along the lines as she carefully read the pages. "Listen kid. I've been looking at old books to see if I could find out what happened to you that night."

Luz found herself back on the knee of the Titan. She wore a large purple coat and her legs were covered with several blankets and her witches robe. Eda paced the snow back and forth before her face lit up showing that she had an idea.

"Eda what are we doing here it's freezing." Luz asked tucking her exposed hands into her arm pits.

"So I found in that old book I was lookin at, that some witches were showed to have superior magical abilities." Eda explained, "And that superior magical juju came from the rare ability to tap into the magic held in the Titans bones. And from what that girl explained, you were possessed by the literal spirit of the Titan."

" mean the Titan? Whose knee we are on right now, possessed me? But I'm just...a half blood." Luz was almost baffled by the words coming out of Eda's mouth. There's no way that the Titan would choose HER of all people. Luz. A nobody from the human realm.

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