Balls and Bats

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So like I now I got a lot of spelling mistakes(AP English has done lots for me). And I'm sorry I tend to fat finger things sometimes and autocorrect is an absolute bitch. So bear with me. As I was typing this I fat fingered So to Do :/

Luz walked down the halls at Hexside, school had ended, most of the people still on the grounds were teachers or 7th year students lingering around their friends. Being at Hexside after hours was weird, the sounds of students' chattering was gone, it was as if everything stood still.

"Haha yeah. I fucked that bitch like no tomorrow! She was screaming "Oh yes Soarin! Fuck me harder Alpha Daddy. She was unbearably tight, I was so big I made her bleed." Luz didn't have to think about who the voice belonged to, she knew who it was and it made her blood boil. Vibrations shot up her legs as each foot connected with the ground below her, her movements stopped as she sprinted past the door she was looking for, the library entrance. The doors burst open for Luz as she scanned each book isles quickly until her eyes rested on the shelf labeled Romance. Luz pulled down on the book that read "The Weapon of Love", the secret door opened to reveal Amity Blight sitting at her desk quietly, as the door closed she turned around.

"Luz? What are you doing here." Luz reached into her pocket and pulled out a revealing spell, Amity's eyes widened as the glyph lit up. "Luz dont!" A blue circle appeared in the air and drifted into Amity, as the circle passed through her, blue waves washed over her face and neck revealing large dark bruises in the shape of fingers around her neck.  Luz exhaled her breath quivered, but not in sadness or fear, in pure malice.

"He beats you..." Luz whispered under breath, a tear drifted down her cheek as she looked up at Amity before storming out of the room. All she could see was red. Her mind was clouded, she didn't even hear Amity scream her name. As she stormed down the halls of Hexside she spots a little kid holding a bat. "Hey can I have that?" Luz pointed to the bat and the kid smiled holding it out to her after they realized who she was. "Thanks." Luz took the bat and tan down the halls until she got to where Soarin was, he was leaning up against a wall, surrounded by several other guys, all there eyes drifted to the tall muscular Dominican girl swinging a bat with blood lust present in her eyes. Most of the boys scurried off when they saw her but Soarin stayed.

"What do you want human? You come for some love baby? Do you need a man to take care of you?" He smiled, his head shifted to the side changing the tone of his voice, "Ah so it's women you're after. Ya know you just need a guy to show you what you're missing, I'd happily take up that mantle." Luz smiled as she got close to him, the bat stopped swinging, Soarin cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss, but with a swift motion Luz smashed the bat in between his legs causing him to double over wailing in pain. She grabbed his collar, dragging up to his feet before slamming him against the wall lifting him so his feet were off the ground.

"You know there are so many things I could and want to do to you right now. But I'm a good person and if you do as I say I'll leave you with the mobility of at least two of your limbs." The fear in his eyes made Luz smile, she knew she would regret what she's doing later but in that moment all she could think of was the bruises around Amity's neck, everytime she flinched or cowered when Luz reached out for her or raised her voice.  "Now, you're never going to touch Amity or any girl ever again, or go near them. Because if you do, I'm going to use a very fun thing my mother taught me called take the berries leave the stick."

"W-what does that mean?" Luz smiled

"Test me and you'll find out." She tree him to the ground and set the top of the bat on ground. "Now leave my sight." Soarin looked up at her not showing any signs of leaving, but with a slam of the bat against the wall causing it to break in half, he was on his way. Luz took a deep breath and slumped against the wall. She closed her eyes, resting her head in her knees letting the adrenaline coursing through her veins to taper off. Something was wrong with her, she'd never gotten that angry before, usually she could keep her emotions under control but now something was different but she couldn't figure out what.

"Luz!" Steps against the pavement echoed through the courtyard Amity
sat down next to Luz.

"Why didn't you tell me what he was doing to you. Any of us." Amity's eyes drifted downwards, showing her what words could not. So Luz simply put her arm around her holding her close. "You don't have to worry about him anymore." Amity rested her head on Luz's shoulder her long hair draping over her shoulder.

"So what did you do to him?"

I know this isn't the revenge you guys were hoping for but it's only a taste of what's to come. I also love how my comments section is literally is just about murdering Soarin. I am sorry to tell you no such malice will take place. At least not by Luz's hand ;)

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