Save the Witch Part 2

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What's very funny is that every once in a while I will get a few people who read my story all the way through and when they get to what Soarin does to Amity, my phone starts to blow up with "F*$&#);$:3 A)& )$'am Who*&)# I'm gonna k@$ll him. A*v*a*c*a*d*o*" and I love it

"Hello, Luz." Luz felt her heart drop into the pit of her stomach. Thunder and lighting crackled and lit up the sky and the bridge they see on. Luz tried her best to get up from her knees without falling causing her to stumble backwards away from the auburn haired witch. Luz's eyes locked onto what was standing behind Amity, Belos.

"What did you do to her?!" She creamed casting a fire spell at him with all her might, an action that had her quickly gripping at her side to dull the splintering pain. Amity approached her, cupping Luz's face trailing a finger along her jawline.

"Oh Luz, the Emperor has given me all I could have wanted, everything you couldn't give me." She smiled, through her venomous words. Belos cackled in the back ground as Luz pulled herself away from Amity's grip putting distance between them, staggering backwards a few steps.

"Kill her." Belos commanded before returning to the safety of the shadows. Luz tried not to let the fear of death at the hands of the woman she loved cloud her thoughts,

"I won't fight you Amity..." Amity smiled her black eyes burning a hole through her.

"Then you will die screaming." The other witch moved the throw a punch but Luz caught her her wrist, used her momentum against her and pulled her few steps forward but not before Amity covered the ground in ice. Luz slipped backwards catching herself with her hands. Amity straddled her waist pinning her down by her shoulders, she gripped her jaw tightly pulling her face up so they were closer and Luz could feel Amity's hot breath against her cheeks. "You've tried so hard to be the hero, trying to save everyone, but they wouldn't need saving if you had just stayed in the human world." Luz kicked Amity off of her attempting to get away but she grabbed a handful, of dark brown hair pulling her to her feet but Luz hit her elbow brining it behind Amity's back and pressing upwards, not enough to break it, but enough so it would keep her from trying to break free.

"Amity I know you're in there! You just have to fight it!" Tears welled up in her eyes, she knew that the chances of her being able to grasp some small piece of her were slim but she would never forgive herself if she didn't try. "I know you've been hurt...but this won't make it better, I know you're there, because you're the strongest person I know." The younger witch flipped Luz over her back with a thud, she scrambled to her feet putting distance between the two of them.

"You don't know anything about me, human" Her venomous words hit her almost as hard as the ice daggers she sent flying at her. 100 small cuts was much more painful cut was much worse than she could've imagined, but one of the larger pieces of ice hit another and sent it angling upwards courting deeply from her mid cheek to the middle of her forehead. Luz quickly cupped her eye howling in pain as blood seeped through the cracks of her fingers dripping down her hand and forearm.

"I do, more than you know, because...I love you...I always have, since that day in the woods..." Black eyes flashed from gold to black, her hands taking fistfuls of auburn hair and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I love you Amity." Luz took a step forward offering out her hand as her eye rested on the beautiful golden eyes she had missed. Amity smiled through tears.

"You love me...?"

"I-" Luz was cut off, Amity was hit with a powerful fire spell, sending her flying in the air landing feet away from where she was standing. "Amity!" Luz screamed reaching out towards Amity's almost lifeless body. The red Luz saw was not from the blood that had been dripping into her eye but from pure and utter rage. Luz turned to see Belos, behind her.

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