The Owl House

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The morning was calm. Luz met Willows other dad Ash and Gus awkwardly greeted an over protective Mr. Park who was upset at his husbands choice of letting a boy stay the night in Willows room, completely unaware of the fact that both of them were very gay. Luz laid on the floor with Aspen teaching him to draw light glyphs.

"You do it like this." She explained drawing the symbol on a small sheet of paper before tapping it with the pen making it light up. Luz took Aspens hand in hers and helped him draw the symbol. He tapped the glyph and when it lot yo he giggled.

"Magic!!!" He squealed with joy making Luz laugh. Gus walked over to them both.

"You ready?" He asked sweetly, Luz nodded her head before getting up from the floor.

"I just have one more thing to do." Luz walked into the bathroom with her bag. She dug out a pair of fresh clothes from her back pack and she started undressing. Her hair was disheveled, cuts and large bruises marked her arms and torso. The gashes on her shoulder had healed a little but it'd still take a few more healing sessions for it to heal enough to get her back to full function, it didn't hurt as much anymore but she was still careful of what she did. It was weird looking at herself, seeing the outline of her muscles and how much she had grown was startling to her. She pulled over a tight white sleeveless turtle neck and pants in her signature color, purple. She tucked her shirt into her pants before smoothing put her hair and walking out of the room. A whistle drew her attention

"Love the new look." Willow complemented making Luz blush a little.

"I thought it switch it up a little." She shrugged "Come one let's get going." She smiled dragging Willow behind her and pulling Gus along with them. They said their goodbyes before starting their surprisingly short journey to BonesBourough. It looked the same as when she left. Stands lined the streets and creatures of all shapes and sizes weaves through the see of people.

"You nervous?" Gus asked as they maneuvered their way through the crowd. Luz let out a little laugh.

"A little." The truth was she was extremely nervous, she was seeing Eda again for the first time in 3 years. Reuniting with Willow and Gus was easier because they were her friends and they just got each other. But with Eda, it was different, she was more than a friend, Eda was like a mother to her, and she was so afraid of messing that up.

"Hey! You break it you buy it!" Luz heard a familiar voice yell. "Careful with that. Careful!!!" The trio pushed passed a few more people and Luz could see the familiar floofy grey hair of  The Owl Lady. She was haggling with Carl, the half horse half man, he stopped away aggravated that he couldn't win against the most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles. Eda turned to look at them and waved.

"Willow! Gus! Who is that tall thingy standing behind you two?" Luz peered over Willow's head and their eyes met, a spark of realization gleamed in her gold eyes. "Luz...?" She smiled widely, her golden fang shining just as bright as her smile. Luz was quickly in the arms of the owl lady, it was surprising to see Eda hug her so willingly, she remembered a time when Eda didn't like being hugged, but it was a nice change. A white hand flew up and gripped her ear pulling her down so she was eye level with the old but surprisingly foxy witch. "Listen Human. If you ever leave for that long again, you're cleaning Hooty for a month.  Got it?" Luz nodded nervously as Eda let go. "But I'm happy you're back kid."

"Me too. I missed this place so much." Just as her finished sentence an eyeball rolled across the ground, stopping at her feet. A small red creature with a freakishly long tongue waddled after it before looking up at her.

"Sorry about that." It said in a deep scratchy New York sounding accent. It popped the eyeball back in its skull and waddled off. Luz just laughed, Gus and Willow joined in with her.

"Even the weird ass things that go on on this place. It's what I love about this place. It's weird, like me." Eda smiled and reached out setting an arm on her bad shoulder making her slide out from under her hand. "That's another thing I need to explain...heh..."

Luz was sitting on the couch in the Owl House her hands nervously gripping the edge of her seat until her knuckles were white. Eda stood above her looking at her concerned as she removed the bandages from her shoulder.

"Damn kid...Are you sure you want this...? It's gonna hurt....a lot..." Luz swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded her head. Once Luz explained what happened with the wolf and the cliff Eda offered to heal the wound. It wasn't normal healing magic but it would be 10x faster.

"Just do it." Eda hadn't even started and Luz was already sweating. King curled into Luz lap to give her comfort, or for a nap, both were very possible. A yellow light grew from Eda's palm and Luz shoulder started to heat up, spikes of pain started shooting down her bicep, the heat almost became unbearable, it felt like her skin was being seared off her bones. "Mmmmm.....Th-that' doesn't hurt..." Luz stuttered out, the pain spreading to her neck, she was gripping the couch so hard that it started ripping at the seams. Then the pain just stopped, the feeling of the cold air against her skin felt so good compared to the scalding heat she felt only moments ago.

"There you go kid." Eda said taping her on the head, Luz looked down at her shoulder which had now formed several large tender whiteish scars. "Now be careful. I did all I could for you but there was still substantial damage." Eda sat down Liv. The couch and crossed her legs. Her eye brows knit together in deep thought.

"What's wrong?" Luz began pulling her shirt back into place and sinking into the couch. Eda waved it off.

"Oh it's nothing" Luz raised her eyes brown and crossed her arms looking at Eda disbelieving. "So it's really been three years?"

"Eda not funny. I'm not a kid anymore, I can handle it." Eda hesitated for a second but Luz new that Eda knew she was right. She wasn't the little kid with big dreams of being a witch who only knew 4 spells. She was 18 and a surprisingly powerful witch for a human. "You're're not a kid anymore....The reason you couldn't come back to the that Emperor Belos  is looking for the portal. To the human world. I couldn't let him get to it so I hid it. On the knee he wouldn't find it there, I had a feeling that he'd be after you, I mean you're already wanted across the isles." Luz leaned forward in her seat.

"I'm wanted?!" Eda reached onto the table and pulled out a small scroll and unrolled it. It read Wanted: Luz the Human: Reward: 1,000,000,000,000

"What did I even do? And why does Belos want the portal...what does he want with me..."

"I dont know kid...but you need to be careful who you talk to. I have a feeling whatever he wasn't isnt good. But I have something that will help you go under the radar." Eda got up and pulled out a weird blob.

"It's a present for you!" King happily squealed hopping out of her lap. Eda handed the blob of mystery skin but Luz backed away.

"I don't want that..." Luz said in disgust, the aroma it gave off made her think twice about wanting it

"No silly. It's IN the unknown skin!" Luz carefully took the bag holding it as far away from her torso as she could and slowly unwrapped it. There was a purple robe that fell out and she bent down to grab it.

"It's a witches robe. I made it for you before you left, I never had the chance to give it to you." The robe shimmered in the light and there a white owl clasp holding the robe together, it matched perfectly with the shirt that she was wearing. It was hooded which Luz assumed helped keep her "under cover." Luz tossed the cape over her bare shoulders and used the owl to clasp it around her neck.

"How do I look?" Luz asked posing for her. Eda gave a her a wide grin.

"Like a real witch."

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