The Plan 2.0

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For all of you wondering if I'm ok. I am an okie dokie artichoke, I look sexy as a ginger any how, so no need for worry :)

"Ok. So Wookie Gambit was a bust but, we have a new plan." Luz announced standing next to Amity. Eda, King, Willow, Boscha, and Gus were all crammed into the couch.

"And who is we?" Boscha asked sarcastically causing Luz to roll her eyes. Amity slightly stepped into Luz. Their cloaks hiding the slight movement.

"Amity and I." Luz removed a small parchment from the depths of her robe and placed it on the table. It was a flyer for "THE EMPEROR'S WINTER SOLSTICE ROYAL MASQUERADE BALL"

"What is this?" Eda asked picking up the flyer. Luz smiled knowingly at Amity

"The emperor is inviting everyone in the Boiling Isles to royal themed masquerade ball." Amity said grabbing a stack of masquerade masks with elegant designs of all colors, each fitted and colored for every member of the fabulous five.

"The emperor will be expecting this, he'll be expecting you." Boscha said stating the obvious.

"And that's what we are counting on. That's why Amity and I will be the distraction. We'll create a...scene, whilst we are doing that You all will make your way into the Emperor's castle most of the guards should be at the ball so you should have no problem getting in. All you need to do is slip a little roof juice in his sippy cup he will most likely be clutching." Luz said smiling proudly. This was all Luz had ever wanted, back at the boiling isles, surrounded by the people she loves and magic all around, Amity by here side. Wait Amity at my side when was that-

"Seriously what is up with you all and your stupid roofies. Last time that didn't work." Eda scoffed out rolling her eyes. It elder witches sudden disbelieving in Luz was quite hurtful but Luz's ego was far too strong to let mere words affect her.

"That's why we are going to use extra roofies. Three should do enough which is enough to knock out a horse before you ask." Amity placed a hand on Luz's shoulder, Luz felt herself unclench from nerves at the slightest touch from Amity.

"Well we both will let you think about this, you don't need to agree and we don't expect you to, it's your choice after all and neither of us could ask you to risk your lives." Luz and Amity made their way up towards her room, after the door pushed open the couple sat on Luz's bed. The youngest blight sibling took the slightly older witches hand in her own.

"Luz." Amity cupped Luz's face. "Everything will be alright. Our plan isn't full proof but I know our friends will have our backs." Luz sighed into Amity's touch her eyes not daring meet the shimmering golden ones.

"Eda doesn't seem to think so." Luz mumbled out softly, a knot of regret and nerves formed in her chest. An outburst of laughter came from the woman in front of her.

"I'm sorry" Amity said calming down from her fit, "Luz, Eda is only skeptical because she is worried about you, not that she does not believe that you are capable. Because well last time you ended up..." Amity's silence filled the words in for her, knowing that what happened was a touchy subject still.

"I know..." Luz trailed off, before meeting Amity's eyes, "Amity...?" Luz asked softly watching the younger witch get up from the bed, fixing the spot on the covers she had messed up. She found solace in fiddling with one of the objects on Luz's wardrobe. "What are we...earlier you asked about last night and-" Luz was cut off by the sudden opening of her door by Willow. She was in front of Boscha and Gus.

"We're in"

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