The Cabin

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Y'all in my comments getting me hooked on The 100 again. That's very rude. Literally season 7 made me cry✨. Also I literally want to write a Catradora fic for the sole reason of a Catra lovingly brushing her tail against Adora's hand or arm whilst she "storms out" during a fight😫

Four spells whizzed past Luz's face as she dogged each one quickly. Eda had told her that they were going to train everyday, she said that if she wants to have a chance against the Emperor's Coven she needed to learn how to fight with "one tied behind her back" because if she was powerful at 50% imagine her at 100. Thought when Eda said one tied behind her back she didn't expect to have her hands tied and her eyes blindfolded. Luz had realized that without the feelings in her legs, she was blind, so Eda figured she needed to learn to function while actually blind.

"Come on Luz! You got this!" King cheered from the side, while his support was appreciated, his shrill voice broke Luz's focus causing one of Eda's spells to hit her in the knocking her to the ground. Frustrated, Luz took off her blindfold and threw it to the dirt. "Sorry Luz..." King apologized softly as Luz unbound her hands and left the rope next to the silk blindfold.

"Ugh! I don't know why I can't get this!" She puffed sitting on a bench throwing her head in her hands.

"Patience my young Padawan. The skills will come with time." Eda rolled up the rope and hit Luz on the head with it sending Luz's hand to shoot up to her head, rubbing her head softly.

"I should have never let you watch Star Wars on my phone should Ive?" The young witch asked as she followed the elder into the house. Eda sat down on the red stained couch as shook her head.

"Nope. But you gotta go to school. First day back in a while huh?" With a swoosh of Luz's finger a poof of yellow dusted appeared in the air and covered Luz. As the dust dissipated it revealed Luz in her Hexside uniform. Eda's jaw practically dropped to the floor at Luz's feat of magic. "H-How- How did you do that?! I never taught you that." Eda stood up and grabbed Luz by the collar and looked up at her. "Is someone else teaching you??" Luz laughed and shook her head pulling away from Eda's grip.

"It was..." Luz threw her arms out and did jazz hands, "Magic." The grey haired witch sat back on the couch rolling her eyes as Luz summoned Owlzura. The small Owl flew through the air and into Luz's grip.

"Just get to school." Luz smiled walking out the door bag in hand. She stood Owlzura up before stepping out on the wings connected to the back of the staff. As Luz shot through the sky she allowed herself think about what's to come, the awkward conversation that was siting the moment she sees Amity. But it was all gonna be fine. They totally felt the same way about the kiss. Images of cute little brown haired, golden eyed, olive skinned, pointy eared children never haunted her dreams. Hahahahah that would be crazy...... Hexside came faster than Luz had expected considering she had already landed, Owlzura's magic must've been given a little juice considering her magic was linked to Luz's. A face carrying a pair of circular glasses sprinted their way over to her, quickly taking hold of her and dragging Luz into the forest, letting her go once they were out of sight.

"Luz what are you down here. Coven guards are everywhere." Willow hissed under her breath looking past the tree they were hiding behind, "If they see you..." Flashes of the Emperor's stronghold flooded Luz's mind once again, Luz contained the fear the begged to burts from her thoughts.

"What happened to the others? Amity, Boscha, Gus?" Willow looked past the tree once again to see Coven guards heading towards them. She grabbed Luz's arm and pulled her deeper into the forest Luz looked behind them to see flashes of white between the trees, "Willow." Willow hummed in acknowledgment before Luz looked behind them again to see the flashes getting closer. "Willow. Run." Willow looked up at Luz before noticing what Luz was seeing. "Run." The two split up starting into a sprint as they maneuvered through the trees quickly. Luz's enhanced physique led her to run faster than Willow, since the loss of the use of her legs, Luz had forgot how much she enjoyed running. Though the immanent danger they were both in made the running much less enjoyable. Luz  looked back once again to see the white flashes had disappeared, the guards must've lost their trail. As Willow saw Luz stop she jogged over to her slightly out of breath.

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