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So like...I got new circle glasses and like🤭 kinda look like tall lankier Beta Willow👁👄👁 I also had thought I had published this like a week ago but I guess not😂

The peaking of the sun through the curtains gently woke chocolate brown eyes from their slumber. A stale warmth lingered where the youngest Blight sibling had slept during the night. Luz propped herself up on her elbows and looked around the room searching for the auburn haired witch, but she was no where in sight. A shiver set up Luz's spine as her bare feet met the cold floor. Luz made her way to the wardrobe, scanning the many shirts she had hung the night before. A slim fitting all purple turtle neck caught the young witches eye, but it needed a little something. Luz took a pair of scissors and cut off one of the sleeves at the shoulder seem. The shirt looked quite nice as she inspected herself in the mirror before tucking it in and exiting the room throwing her cape around her shoulder. A gentle harmonic humming came from the kitchen, when Luz rounded the corner she was faced with the sight of Amity Blight dressed in one of Luz's white button down shirts that draped down her torso to her mid thighs. Once Amity noticed Luz, she took hold of two cups and offered one to her.

"Apple Blood?" The young Blight smiled a kind smile at Luz, before she noticed Luz stating her eyes drifted down to her own body. "Oh, I hope you don't mind I borrowed your shirt. I couldn't find mine this morning." A hot blush rushed to Luz cheeks as she looked to the floor, quietly taking the cup from Amity's hands.

"N-no it's ok. It looks good on you." She stumbled out as Amity sat down before she noticed how Luz was dressed.

"You leaving..." Her tone was dripping with sadness. Luz's eyes drifted downwards causing Amity to stand up, gently cupping her face.

"I-" Luz was cut off by the opening of Boscha and Willow's bedroom door, a bed headed Boscha entered the room yawning and scratching her scruffy pink hair.

"I'm surprised you guys are up this early after being up all night fu-" A swift smack on the head from Willow shut Boscha up as she walked out the room grabbing a glass of water before offering it to Amity.

"You should drink this. After last night I'm sure you're dehydrated." Willow snickered out as a silent laughed made its way out of Boscha. Luz found that her throat had dried up, and that in fact, now she was the one in need of water. Soon Luz found herself trailing after the brunette into their shared room. Amity opened the wardrobe a scanned through her options of clothing.

"What are you doing?" Luz questioned as Amity shamelessly threw off the shirt she was wearing, causing Luz's face to turn a deep shade of scarlet. She pulled a light maroon button down blouse over her head. The neck of the blouse was cut down so it rested on shoulders. Amity tucked the blouse into her pants and clasped her new black and dark purple witches robe around her neck.

"What are you doing? Luz asked in confusion as Amity took hold of a small satchel and walked up to her straightening out Luz's robe.

"Coming with you." She smiled brightly before walked out the door Luz following closely behind her. Luz grabbed her porcelain like wrist causing Amity to come to a halt turning back around to face her.

"Um no you're not." Amity pulled her wrist from Luz's grip and placed a hand to her chest pushing Luz away from her, straightening out her clothes.

"As much as I appreciate the sentiment darling there's nothing you can do to stop me." Amity quipped as she pulled Luz by the collar into a surprise kiss. The kiss was sweet gentle and fleeting as the brunette quickly pulled away as they were interrupted by Gus with her hand shielding his eyes as he walked past the couple heading to the fridge.

"I am just getting water I am not looking at anything. I have opened the fridge and now I am returning to my room." He said quickly flying through the kitchen to prevent from being scarred. The two women laughed at the events that had just taken place. As Gus left the room Luz walked over to the front door and opened it holding it open for Amity, smiling a wide grin.

"You coming or what?"

Sorry this was so short I got lazy towards the end

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