The Ball

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Anyone obsessed with SOUR? Just me. Ok. And I have a goggle form in my description about what I'm gonna write next so take it if you'd like. Also my peeps for the extra feel of the ball play this and it is painfully obvious when you should play it so don't be stoopid.

Luz stood in front of the mirror. She was dressed in a purple doublet with golden embroidery, up the opening of the chest, to the collar which stood at the base of Luz's neck, over a white tunic which peaked slightly past the collar. Black breeches were tucked into her high rising boots. The black leather vambraces over  smooth black gloves she wore were picked out by Boscha, she had thought they added "much needed bad ass-erey". Luz threw her witches robe over her shoulders and clasped it around her neck. Luz felt the hairs at the nape of her neck stand on end as the familiar whispers began to fill her ears. The nightmares and whispers had continued even though Luz had regained the feeling in her legs. She's here. she's here. TURN AROUND. Luz looked behind her and saw Amity in the doorway. She wore a small all black ball gown that rose up high onto her neck, such as how a turtle neck would, and a long black garment resembling a robe, with golden paisley like floral patterns covering it. It took quite the effort for Luz to keep her jaw from dropping to the floor. Amity was a vision, not only was it the dress but her hair was in an elegant up do that hid a deep magenta hair piece. Luz had seen Amity's hair in many different circumstances but she had never seen it so, elegantly put up.

"Luz you're staring..." Amity announced a slight blush creeping up her cheeks. Luz snapped out of her daze and handed Amity her mask. It was black with deep magenta designs on it.

"I'm sorry. Um are you ready..? The ball will be beginning shortly." Luz's face felt hotter than usual as she felt Amity's kind eyes burning into her own.

"Yes but there is one thing I need to do before." Before Luz could answer, Amity pulled Luz by the collar into a searing kiss. Both women melted into each others embrace, as much as Luz was trying not to focus too much on the night they shared days ago she also found Amity irresistible and it was very hard to-

"Luz I need to ask you something." Amity said pulling away earning a small unexpected whine of protest from Luz, "Well more need to tell you something. I-" Amity was interrupted by Boscha who slammed through the door.

"Oh...that is um..." Boscha said looking at the floor dramatically causing Luz to scoff.

"Oh for Titan's sake Boscha we weren't even doing anything."

"Well everyone is waiting for you two down stairs so....finish up whatever this is and try to be quiet, although I'm sure Luz is great in-"

"Alright alright Boscha let's get you down stairs we'll follow shortly." Amity hurriedly pushed Boscha out the door before closing it with a sigh leaning against it.

"She really does have awful timing doesn't she." Luz asked in a chuckle before opening the door for Amity waving her through.

"The worst." The couple walked down the stairs to where the Fab Five plus Eda, King, and, surprisingly,Lilith, were gathered around the table. Everyone was dressed for the ball. Gus was wearing his usual clothing, but with the addition of a black cape and a mask that looked surprisingly like the Phantom's mask from the Phantom of the Opera, because he already wears a blue doublet over a white tunic. Eda was wearing her maroon witches robe and a plain black mask while Lilith was wearing a blue robe and a more intricately designed mask that was blue with grey feathers attached to the sides. Willow and Boscha dressed accordingly to the other Willow's dress was more dark green and springy with golden accents and Boscha was wearing a black royal dress jacket with golden embroidery over a dark green dress. What they were all standing in front of was a map of the party, they were discussing their own plan to get inside and take out the Emperor.

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