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Updated my new story. Don't forget to check it out and add it too your reading list or Hooty with haunt you. Also, Dear @akatsuki-san, I don't know who you are, but you voted on every single one of my chapters within 2 minutes. It was 5 in the morning when you did that, I was trying to watch Florence Pugh cook. I want you to know I love you, but I hate you for that.

The Author

Luz, surprisingly, woke up before Amity. Short brown and green waves fell over her face, she had the blanket pulled up and over her exposed chest and it was tucked tightly into her fists. Luz admired the woman before her, it was rare that Luz got to see Amity sleeping, the downsides of being a heavy sleeper. But after last night Amity must have been exhausted. The sunlight shined through the large window and illuminated the room filling it with a warm opaque orange lighting. Luz didn't register that Amity's golden eyes were staring back at her, a playful smile tugging at the edges of her lips.

"Morning." Amity hummed stretching giving Luz a more than explicit view of what Amity was using the blankets to cover.

"Um...good morning." Luz stuttered out, averting Amity's eyes. Amity chuckled softly twirling one of Luz's wavy brown locks of hair in between her fingers.

"You don't need to be shy, darling." Amity kissed Luz softly and the lips, a smile forming on both of their faces. But the sound of the large doors to their chambers slamming open had both of them grasping at the sheets to cover themselves up to their necks. Camilla walked into the room holding a letter in her hand.

"MOM!!!" Luz yelled helping Amity cover herself. "The door was closed for a reason" She said under her breath.

"Oh, Luz I've already seen everything you've got." Camilla said handing the letter to her, Luz took and began reading it. Her eyes widened in surprise and an eyebrow cocked, she turned to Amity her eyes still on the letter.

"It's from your mother. She wants to...invite me to dinner. Because....I'm the Emperor." Amity looked at just as surprised as Luz did, she rolled her eyes scoffing, sinking back into the bed.

"She only wants you to go because you're the emperor and she's gonna try to get you in her pocket." Luz felt a tug at her heart strings, she had just been reunited with her mother but Amity was all alone, from what she had told Luz of Odalia, the woman was not a very forgiving, or accepting one. Amity had to put her whole self in the shadows to appease her mother.

"Maybe we should go." Luz proposed which earned a side eye from Amity, "I mean you can show your mother that you are successful and have made it too the top without playing dirty, and it might give you two a chance to rekindle your relationship." Amity sighed pressing her eye lids shut before letting them flutter back open.

"I suppose it would be nice to see father, And Eda and Em. But I am not talking to the devil of a woman. She could rot in hell for all I care." She crossed her arms over the blanket. Camilla rested a hand on Amity's covered knee.

"Well if you ever need some motherly advice I'm sure Luz will be willing to let your borrow me." Camilla smiled warmly at Amity which made her heart melt, after so many years of being alone she finally found people who loved and accepted her for who she is on the inside. Camilla stood up clapping her hands together. "Well I was talking to that sweet girl with the glasses and she is going to show me around your castle and teach me more about this place, because I know nothing. I went to go get something for breakfast and tried some of this delicious looking pie...it wasn't pie." Camilla's face looked horrified at the memory, but Luz wasn't surprised, when she first came to the boiling isles there was a lot of...adjusting to do. There was a long trial and error period.

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