First Day

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Luz paced around at the front of Hexside , nervously gripping her staff. Teenagers of all colors and species flooded into the school, smaller kids mingled among the older students, and some of the teachers watched them all gossiping.

"Do you think I'll be ok? I'm kinda nervous." Owlzura rolled her eyes at Luz's "confession", she cooed in response. "Ok Luz you got this." She inhaled as Willow and Gus walked over to her.

"Luz!" Willow shouted across the yard. They both walked up to her smiling but Gus's eyes seemed to be on Owlzura.

"Hi! Guys this is Owlzura." She said pointing to her staff. Willow examined Owlzura in absolute awe.

"Omg! You got a staff and a Palisman?!?!" She exclaimed slack jawed. Luz looked at her confused...didn't every witch get a staff.  "I've only ever seen a few in my life. The wood is extremely rare now. How did you find it?" Willow had a crazed look in her eye that made Luz nervously laugh and take a step away from her. Gus quickly put a hand on her shoulder.

"Ok Willow that's enough." He said snapping her out of her daze.

"Sorry..." She whispered before Luz tapped the back of her staff sending Owlzura shooting into the sky. The trio made their way into the main building of the school. Luz noticed several people staring at her as she walked past them many of them showing mixed coven track colors. A small boy with bright red hair and pale skin walked up to her shyly smiling at her.

"A-are you L-Luz the human....?" The kid was holding a piece of parchment in his small shaking hands. Luz didn't know what to think of the child, was this some kind of trick? Or an act to turn her in? He held out the parchment to her with a pen. "Will you sign this for me....? To Willy...?" Luz smiled, he was asking for her autograph, that's something that's definitely something she'd have to get used to. She unrolled the paper, it was her Wanted poster. Guess that's the only thing he'd have of me. Luz pressed it against her forearm and squiggled out her name in a calligraphic style her mother had taught her, she wrote To Willy From Luz Noceda Aka The Human :). When she handed it back to him his face lit up with joy.

"Thank you!!" He squealed before running off to his friends. Luz looked curiously at Willow and Gus.

"Is that a thing that's just gonna happen now or...."

"Yeah you're kinda really popular around here now." Luz laughed. Popular? Her? Luz Noceda Popular. Now that's rich.

"I never thought I'd hear that sentence in my life." A flash of bright blue caught her eye as she approached her locker and leaned up against it as Willow grabbed her books. A tall three blue eyes and black stubble on his chin seemed to be pushing around a 2nd year while a bright pink haired girl, who Luz assumed to be Boscha, was laughing and watching. Luz took a step forward to stop them both but Willow placed a hand on her shoulder stopping her.

"Don't..that's Soarin Bates. Boscha's twin brother, he's-" Before Willow could finish her sentenced a familiar Auburn and Green haired witch walked up to him, he grabbed her by the waist and placed a kiss on her black stained lips. Luz's heart felt constricted and all the blood left her head causing her world to spin. "....Amity's fiancé..."

"F-fiancé...?" Luz stuttered out, as she watched the two of them together.

"Yeah, her parents arranged it once she became the head of the Emperor's Coven after Lilith deserted." Gus added moving to obscure her view. Luz realized so many things had changed, maybe it was just a relationship for status or maybe it was...real...

"Hey...." Willow placed a gentle hand of her shoulder and Gus took her hand in his, "Lets get to class." Luz pushed away her pain and smiled at them both.

"I love you guys."

Luz sat in the back of her abomination class fiddling with her pencil, resting her head on her hand as she watched it spin in circles on the top of her finger.

"Ms Luz? Care to answer question 5?" The pencil dropped from Luz's fingers and her eyes focused on the words on the board, it read The most important thing to remember when creating an abomination is to? "Ms Luz would you-"

"Remain focused. The most important thing to remember when creating an abomination is to remain focused. Too much emotion or distraction will cause the abomination to deform." All eyes were on her, she tried to ignore the golden eyes that were burning into her soul. The teacher turned around and returned to the board.

"Amazing Ms. Luz."  Luz looked over and locked eyes with Amity who gave her a small smile before turning back around. Luz often found herself glancing at the Blight woman. Luz no stop you're just hurt her or you're gonna get hurt. Just quit while you're ahead..... Class took longer than she hoped, as the bell screamed and students filed out of class. She stayed behind the rest hoping that she'd miss Amity but the young witch stood at the door waiting for her. Luz took a deep breath and walked out the door.

"Blight." She huffed brushing past her before a small soft hand clasped around her wrist stopping her. Luz looked down her hand which was so much darker compared to the pale complexion of the Auburn haired witch.

"Luz...." The Human turned around the look at her, Amity's eyes were averting her own, "I'm sorry.... about the night market, I've just worked so hard to get to where I am..." Luz slipped her hand into Amity's causing golden eyes too look up into chocolate ones.

"I know it's ok. It's your job and I understand that's a priority, I can't say we can go exactly back to friends again, with your boss being the guy trying to kill me and all." Her snarky comment causing Amity's eyes to shift downwards, "But it's a start." Luz smiled, Amity released her hand and walked away before turning back to Luz and smiling.

"Walk me to class?" Her tone made Luz's heart melt, being friends or working her way up to friends with Amity was gonna be a struggle because as much as she would like to deny it, she was starting to fall, hard and fast. The Human quickly shuffled after her and they walked side by side down the hall. "So that person in the cape, that I saw with Gus and Willow, that was you wasn't it?"

"Uh...yeah...I had just found my way back here but that's I long story." Luz awkwardly stuttered out. Amity let slip a small laugh and a smile when Luz finished. Luz looked upward towards the spiraling of hallways and noticed something falling from the top floor. "Amity look out!" Luz quickly tackled out of the way and landed on top of her, her arms straining to hold her up due to the new very uncomfortable situation she was now in.  The Blight's face was now bright red and turned to the side to avert the gaze of kind eyes starring at her.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." Luz said quickly getting off of Amity and helping her up to her feet and dusting off her shoulders. "Are you ok..?" Luz asked kindly as Amity nodded her head.

"Yeah yeah I'm ok." A hand tightly gripped her shoulder and spun her around.

"Stay away from my girl dude!" Someone yelled before a fist connected with the side of her nose, all she heard was a crack all she felt was pain and blood dripping down her face. Luz's hands flung up to her face and pinched her nose to stop the bleeding and she screwed get eyes shut.

"Soarin! Stop! She's just a friend!" Amity yelled stepping in front of her. "Luz are you ok...?" Amity 's voice was close to her ear and she laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah Yeah I'm fine. Just a scratch." Luz smiled taking her hand to reveal a bloody crooked nose causing everyone to gasp. But she just smiled a toothy smile. Best first day ever.

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