Shirts or Lack there of

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A soft warm feeling woke Luz up, it was morning and the sun was shining. She didn't remember falling asleep but she assumed she just dozed off. Her eyes opened a little to locate the source of the warmth she was feeling, but what she didn't expect was it to be Amity. They were tightly pressed together, Amity's back was against Luz's front while once of Luz's legs had slipped past Amity's ankles and her arm was wrapped securely around her waist. A moment passed before panics set in.
Oh my god what do I do...I have to move! What if I wake her up, she looks so at peace. Luz decided to slide out of her bed, she took another look at Amity and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. A large purple bruise peaked out from under a part of her waist where the shirt she was wearing did not cover. Not that Luz was looking. Without a second thought Luz quickly walked down the stairs where Eda and King were sitting on the couch.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Eda said taking a sip of her apple blood, flipping a page of the book she was reading. King's ears perked up.

"Luz has a girlfriend?" King asked his tail wagging joyfully. Luz sighed knowing where this was going.

"Yeah, she stayed over last night, they slept in the same bed in each other's arms." Eda took another sip and Luz groaned turning away from them both.

"I'm taking a shower." She said walking out of the room into the bathroom. Luz leant her head against the shower wall letting the warm water roll over her head and back. Nothing bad had happened since what went down on the knee, and it worried Luz. She reached out and turned the handle causing the water to slowly stop to just a trickle. When she started getting dressed again Luz decided against putting on her white shirt and getting a different shirt on. As she walked towards her room she felt like she was forgetting something. Ok I'm wearing a sports bra, boxers, pants, what am I missing...? When Luz opened the door she was faced with a very shocked very exposed Amity.

"Amity! Oh my god I am so sorry!" And that's what Luz forgot about. Amity. She quickly turned around with her hands still in her shirt from trying to take it off.

"Its fine just, don't look at me." Luz was standing in the door way, completely unaware of the fact that she too was shirtless. A few struggled groans and a large huff came from Amity. "'m stuck..." Luz turned to see Amity with her arms, that were currently stuck in the shirt, in the air.

"Oh uh let me help you with that." Luz quickly walked over to the witch and tucked her fingers under the shirt helping her pull it off her arms.

"Good thing you weren't Eda because that would be really awkward...." Amity trailed off as Luz got her shirt off. And for some reason Luz found it increasingly harder to maintain eye contact with a now shirtless Amity Blight.

"Good thing." Luz said smiling looking down and then looking back up locking eyes with Amity. Even thought Luz was nervous as shit she wanted to play her mood off as flirty and confident yet slightly cocky. "I was just gonna put on a shirt real quick, then you can get ready." Luz flashed her another charming smile opening up her closet. She scanned through her options and ended up going with her white button up shirt. She threw it over her head, unbuttoned two buttons, rolled up her sleeves to mid forearm length, and then tucked it into her pants.

"Thank you." Is all Amity said as Luz closed the door behind her and leant up against it. Luz exhaled a breath she didn't know she had been holding. It was a struggle to ignore the very revealing lacy black bra Amity was wearing along with the bruises that trailed down her side and past her waist line. Luz drew it down to Amity and Soarin just being kinky.

One word to say. Wack.

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