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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ See book description
Amity's POV

It was a night like any other Amity sat in front of her mirror a new bruise forming on her cheek, she gentle touched it with her finger and winced at the pain. Emira had taught her an illusion spell that would allow the bruises she got to "disappear". She drew a circle in the air, and a purple wave washed over the bruise making it disappear. Amity took her white cloak and clasped it around her shoulders and sighed. It was always her dream to be in the Emperors Coven, she never expected this, to be doing the emperors dirty work. Amity grabbed her mask and left her room.

"I'm going out." She said as she walked down the stairs. Edric and Emira were sitting on the couch using their illusion magic to make a buff duck and a bunny battle on the floor.

"Bye mittens. Have fun being all important." Edric waved as she walked out the door. The emperors assistant Kikimora contacted her about a vendor at the night market who had the location of a map that the emperor required. What was on this map or where my he needed it was "above her pay grade." She drew to fingers to her lips and whistled loudly. A dark blur flew through the sky and landed next to her, she gripped the black staff in her hands. A black and purple bunny sat on the top of her staff, it's long ears wrapped around it's body.

"Hello Otabin. Are you ready?" The bunny's ears unwrapped and fell limply to the sides of her body. Otabin nodded before Amity mounted her and took off into the sky. She had always found it peaceful in the sky, no one to bother her, no duties, no worries, just the wind  in her hair whipping against her cheeks. The rush as Otabin tipped downwards towards the ground before landing. She loved it. As she landed Amity placed her mask on her face. "Go home." She said as she gently tapped the back of her staff before it shot off into the sky. As Amity approached the night market she noticed Soarin waiting for her at the entrance.

"It took you long enough." He rasped pulling off his mask exposing his shaggy blue hair and three glimmering blue eyes. Amity removed her own mask as she approached him.

"I had things to but I don't owe you any explanations considering I out rank you Lieutenant." A hand roughly gripped her waist and pulled her closer to him, he bent down so his mouth was level with her hear. Amity got a whiff of his alcohol stained breath.

"Just remember who you belong to." He hissed under his breath. Soarin's comment made her sick to her stomach, his grip on her waist was becoming increasingly painful but she was determined not to show any signs of weakness. Amity used all her strength to push him off of her, gathering all the confidence abs dignity she had left.

"You be wise not to cross me in public." She spat before returning her mask to her face, Amity turned back to him, "Coms on, we have a job to do." Soarin composed himself putting on his own mask before following her down the alley. Street vendors lined the alley ways she remembered as child she feared the night market, her older siblings tormented her by telling her all the monsters roamed the night market selling witches ears, which they would later feast on. Of course as she grew older she realized how childish she was for believing their foolish stories.

Amity and Soarin approached a stand with a small frog man behind the counter. "Give me the location of the map." Amity demanded. The frog scoffed in disbelief.

"Who are you to come into my shop and demand things off me." Soarin slammed his fit on the table to strike intimidation into the man, the action made Amity flinch in fear before she composed her self. She held up a finger to stop Soarin.

"Violence isn't necessary, now is it?" Amity asked slowly taking off her mask, the little frog's eye widened in shock and he visible began to tremble.

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