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"Luz if you want to craft your witches staff you need to go to the night market now." Luz was currently putting the finishing touches on her mask that would go under her hood. It was a half mask that looked like Owlbert almost. It had yellow lenses and a short beak that curved off her nose and downwards toward her mouth. The wood was carved so that the top of the mask was dark brown but once it got past the peak of her eyebrow it was cut so that it was light brown. Luz placed her glyphs in her belt and clasped her robe around her neck and grabbed her pouch of snails before walking into the living room.

"Do you have you snails? Glyphs?" Eda ask her voice laced with concern. Luz pushed her clawing hands away from her.

"Yes and yes. Eda I'm ok. I can handle myself." It was cute that Eda was worried about her. After Luz had been gone so long maybe Eda had missed being maternal, or maybe she just felt more protective of Luz now that the Emperor was after her too.

"Ok...Just be safe! Do you need to take king with you?" Luz shook her head as she walked out the door.

"Let him sleep. I'll be back soon." Luz closed the door behind her and made her way to BonesBurrough.

"Bye Luzzzz Hoot Hoot." Hootie yelled in his annoyingly shrill voice as as walked away. BonesBurrough wasn't that far away from the owl house, so it didn't take her that long to get there. As she approached the Night Market Luz slipped her mask in place on her face and pulled the hood of her robe over her head. Since Luz got into Hexside Eda offered to teacher her how to make her own witches staff. But Eda could not help her at all, a witch's staff was meant to be built alone, like a Jedi's lightsaber. It was a journey for the witch to make on the it own. So Luz had to go to the night market to purchase a rare bundle of wood that was infused with magic. A witch's staff would normally amplify a witch's raw ability, but because Luz could only cast with paper, the staff would help her cast spells without it.

The Night Market was busy a usual. Stands that sold poison, hex's, curses, and the rarest of items were all sold at the night market. Luz recognized a few of the vendors but not many. She passed by the vendors making her way down the long alleyway. There were several wanted posters posted calling for the capture of Luz and some posters for Eda. The night was quite and she could feel several suspicious eyes on her, maybe it was too evident that she was the Owl Lady's Apprentice. A small turquoise stand stood out compared to the dark colors of the other stands. Luz remember that Eda said she'd know the  stand once she saw it. She didn't know for sure that the stand was the one she was looking for but her brain was telling her to go with her gut. As she arrived at the stand she saw a small blue man dressed in all white was standing on a foot stool. She looked around the alley to make sure there was no one following her.

"Confundus." She whispered to the man. He nodded and went into the back of the stand before coming out with a black bag. He set it on the top of the stand and opened for her to see. A beautiful white wood sat in the bag, she raised a finger to touch it and when her skin met the wood it emitted a glowing blue light just as Eda had described it.

"250 snails." The blue man rasped in a deep voice, Luz pulled out her sack of snails and paid the man in full. She reached for the dropper of shrinking potion, she was able to reconstruct thanks to Tibbles, and placed a drop of the potion on the bag and then clipped it to her belt. Loud whispers drew her attention to two Emperor's coven guards approaching a stand near her. Luz quickly hid behind the wall on the stand she was at, peering over the edge of it. One of the guards was taller than the other, the smaller one had a distinctly female voice and she was wearing only half a white mask with a long beak stretching off the nose. She couldn't hear much of what they were saying but she could pick out a few sentences.

"Give me the location of the map." The woman demanded. The small frog man looked at the two guards in disbelief.

"Who are you to demand things of me." The taller one slammed a fist on the table, but the woman put a finger up stopping the man.

"Violence is not necessary, now is it." Luz watched as the woman took off her mask, but Luz was at an angle that she couldn't see her face. The frog's eyes widened as he gasped and bowed his head.

"Head Coveness Blight....forgive me." He said his voice trembled as the head of the emperors coven placed her mask on her face under her hood. Luz froze in shock. Amity couldn't be the head of the Emperors coven....not after the Emperor has been Hunting her...she wouldn't do that...right....?

"Now. You will give me the location of the map, or it would be tragic if the emperor was aware of the illegal actions of your family. That would be a shame, now wouldn't it." The woman's voice was laced with venom. She couldn't hear anything after that, the frog man handed the coveness a piece of parchment. Luz turned away from Amity and walked into the forest leaving a trail of lights behind her. Luz took off her mask and climbed in a tree and waited. If Amity was still the same girl she knew 3 years ago, she would know what to do.

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