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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️ See description

"Wait wait wait.... So there's another you? But a witch you?" Gus asked confused, they all sat on the couch with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Basically yeah, and in my world there's other versions of all of you." Luz explained Lilith was standing up next to Luz, because Lilith was in the emperors coven she knew about Z already. Willow leaned back into the couch and huffed saying,


Amity POV

Amity paced the floor of the Emperors throne room. She had heard he was going on an assignment but she wanted to know know why as head of the coven she wasn't informed of this. The doors of the throne room swung open slamming against the wall. The emperor took off his mask and threw it across the room yelling.

"We almost had it!" Someone followed him into the room, when they turned around Amity's eyes widened.

"Luz...?" Luz or...not Luz..? smirked and bowed.

"No, the name's Zul. And don't bother with the introductions, I already know who you are Blight." Zul looked her up and down, she smiled rolling her tongue over her teeth and flicking off her fang making it visible. "If you need any pointers I'll gladly do a, private session with you." She winked at a flustered Amity, Zul looked exactly like Luz, except for the large scar over her blinded right eye. The Emperor flipped around and faced Amity. She had never seen him without his mask, sweaty shaggy brown hair rested upon his head and small fine like lines drew away from his piercing blue eyes, and were

"Blight, you're close with the human Yes?" Amity swallowed and nodded head, he smiled a maniacal grin.

"You will get close to her, gain her trust, yes... then you will find the location on where she hid the portal to the human world. Do you understand?" Amity was frozen, he wanted her to use Luz... she couldn't do that.... "I said do you understand?!" He screamed Amity nodded and bowed.

"Yes my lord." Once Amity returned standing up she saw Belos hunched over and Zul keeping him up.

" must retire to your quarters..." Zul whispered. Father? Belos was her father? It all made sense now, that's why she wasn't taken on the mission.

"You are dismissed Ms Blight." Amity bowed before leaving the throne room. There was a girl who looked exactly like Luz and said girl was the Emperors's daughter. Makes perfect sense. And now I have use Luz...I can't do this's either do it or I get petrified...I'm really sorry Luz.... Amity didn't know if she could truly betray Luz like that...especially since seeing her again brought old feelings back up....but she couldn't get distracted, she had a job to do.

⚠️Super Duper Trigger Warning  See description⚠️

It wasn't that long of a flight from the Emperor's castle to the Blight manor. When she arrived Soarin was standing against the door drinking some sort of liquid, most likely alcohol.

"What are you doing here Soarin?" Amity asked unlocking the door and reluctantly letting him in. He just smiled and set his bottle down, he reeked of Boiling Rain(alcoholic beverage). 

"Your Mom and Dad are gone, Edric and your sexy sister left a while ago, which leaves just you annnddd me, alll alone." He smiled devishly which struck fear into Amity's eyes, she backed away from the approaching man. Soon she ran of room to back up when she found her self against the wall. His disgusting breath hot against her neck. "Come on Ami....just one little kiss..." Amity tried her best to put as much space between them as he could but her efforts failed as he slammed her back against the wall. Tears streamed down her face as she turned her head away from him.

"I said kiss me!" He screamed as he slapped her across the face. She swallowed thickly as he harshly put his hand to her throat choking her as his lips met hers. Amity wanted to collapse on the ground and puke but once she heard the unzipping of his pants she knew there wasn't anything she could do anymore.

Amity sat on the ground sobbing her head buried in her knees. It had been an hour since Soarin left, when the door opened she shrunk back in fear thinking that Soarin had come back but it was Edric and Emira. When Emira saw her on the floor she rushed to her side. It hadn't been the first time her older siblings had found her like this. Emira helped Amity up the stairs and into the bath tub drawing her a warm bubble bath. Edric was down stair pacing the floor, the first time it had happened his presence and voice triggered her, so he learned to stay away for a little while she recovered as early as she could.

Emira sat behind Amity soothingly brushing her sisters long Auburn hair. Emira always knew how to make her feel better, even though she would torment her at time she knew she loved her. Amity turned around and hugged her sister, she found herself crying again.

"Shhhh it's ok mittens...I'm here...." Em whispered she she gently stroked her back. The door opening down stairs drew their attention to Amity's door, it was their parents. Em looked back at Amity and smiled "I'll be right back ok...?" Emira quietly walked down the stairs as to not to disturb her fragile sister. Amity got up and leant against the door way so she could hear what was going on.

"Where is Amity?" Her mother asked setting down her bag.

"She's up stairs resting, rough day at the Emperors's stronghold." Ed said making up a quick excuse, Odalia walked out of the room and Em turned to their father.

"What happened...?" He asked softly, her father was always the kindest to Amity, she shared most his looks and personality. Emira lowered her head and voice.

"It's Soarin, again. Dad you have to tell her to let Amity end it....she can't go on like this....what he's done to her is terrible." Her father's eyes lowered to the ground in sadness, it was true, her mother was the one who forced her into this awful relationship, knowing she had a preference for women.

"You know how your mother is...." both the twins crossed their arms and glared at him he sighed. "I'll see what I can't do about it, give your sister my love." He said walking into the other room. As Ed and Em walked back up the stair Amity sat back on her bed. The door opened revealing the twins.

"Hey there mittens." Ed said softly sitting next to her, being careful not to trigger her. Emira kissed her head and sat on the other side of her.

"I'll be ok Amity. Well always be there for her." Although Amity was now 17 and the twins were 20 they'd still take care of each other. She looked at her sister who's hair was down and parted to the side. She reached out and touched it.

"I like it like this." She whispered making her smile, her sister was beautiful and her brother was supporting a rather impressive goatee that looked very good on him. Love or care wasn't something that they got from their parents, but there was one thing they did get from them, the Blights children we're definitely the most attractive witches in the Boiling Isles.

I know this chapter may be hard for some of you to read but it definitely wasn't easy to write. From my own experience this type of abuse is triggering for me because childhood trauma But I felt this was a really important part to the story line, it wouldn't be the same without this chapter. I hope you semi enjoyed it, as enjoyable as this chapter can get. Expect the next chapter Tuesday.

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