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Luz's eyes fluttered open, she expected lol to be laying in the freezing snow the sun blinding her eyes, but she was greeted with cold room. The walls were a dark shade of a grey-ish blue and she was laying on a steel table. Luz sat up, much to her regret, the action pulled at the muscles in her shoulder causing her to cry out in pain. Two pairs of footsteps got closer and closer to the room she was in. As the door opened her eyes widened in surprise at who was behind the door.

"Willow....Gus.....?" Her breath fell short as she said their names. She ran up to them and hugged them both, but they didn't hug her back. Luz pulled away from the hug her smile faded. "Do you not remember me...?"

"Are we supposed to...?" Gus questioned in a surprisingly deep voice.

"Man your voice got deep." Luz laughed. They both looked at her cluelessly.

"It's...Luz..." She smiled nervously, "The human..." Realization painted both of their faces

"Luz!" They yelled before pulling her into a tight hug. Luz groaned in pain but she ignored her pain because she was surrounded by her two best friends.

"I missed you guys so much..." The two of them pulled away from her and she took a chance to really look at them. Willow looked the same, she was a little taller, her hair had grown out and, her voice sounded older and more mature. Gus on the other hand had changed drastically. He was taller, his voice was deeper, and supported very impressive goatee for a 16 year old.

"Wow changed a lot..." Willow poked at her biceps which made  the weak nerd arms she had before pale in comparison. Luz blushed a little as they both examined her closely.

"I could say the same for both of you." She laughed out, but the contractions made her wince. Her shoulder was still throbbing in pain, the bleeding had stopped due to the bandages wrapped around it. She gently stuck her thumb under the bandages to get a leak at her wounds. It was still really bad, the large cuts ran deep into muscle.

"My dad is in the healing coven, he tried his best but it will still take time."  Willow took Luz's hand in hers. She smiled at both of them. It had been years but she was finally back with her friends and it was as if nothing had changed. Willow and Gus led her out of the room she was in and into a small living area. The walls were tan type of wood that must've grow in the isles because she had never heard of it. A large man with olive colored skin and a big brown beard sat on the floor with a boy that looked a lot like him. The boy had the same greenish blue colored hair but a darker skin tone and purple eyes.

"Luz meet my dad, Tim, and my little brother Aspen. Dad, this is our friend Luz, she's from the human world...the one that left a few years ago." The two boys turned their heads to look at her.

"Ah, the human rises. How are you feeling?" Tim said in a startlingly tender voice.

"Oh I'm good. Except for the fact that my shoulder was almost eaten." Luz laughed but the four of them looked at her blankly causing her smile to face.
I didn't know you had a little brother Willow." Luz quickly changed the subject and crouched down so she was eye level with Aspen. "Hey little buddy." She ruffled his hair making him giggle.

"He was born just after you left." Gus added in. Luz's eyes dropped, she hadn't realized how much she missed while she was gone.

"Well it was very nice meeting you both." Luz flashed a charming smile that would make all the girls swoon. Willow dragged Luz and Gus too what she assumed was her room. Willows room was a floral green color with baby plants everywhere and vines growing out from the window.

"How did you guys even find me?" Luz asked as she sat on the floor of her bedroom. Gus was laying on the bed upside down facing her.

"Owlbert led us to you. A few more hours out there and you would've...."Willow slapped Gus's arm to stop him from continuing.

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