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I just hit 5K! I'm so thankful for all of my readers and commenters.

Amity paced through one of the many hallways of the Blight Manor. She had left the Owl House after her very awkward encounter with a certain human girl, now she was waiting for a young green haired witch to appear at her door. It had been a while since she met up with Willow like this. The two of them used to talk to each other after Luz left, though as time went on the slowly grew apart exchanging looks, greetings, or goodbyes in the halls of Hexside. Willow was always there for her when she needed to make hard decisions and Amity tried to do the same.

Three knocks on the door had Amity quickly rushing to open it. Willow smiled when her eyes met Amity's, which she returned.

"You wanna come in...?" Amity laughed out as she held the door open for her, Willow stepped inside and marveled at the manor.

"It's changed a lot since I've last been here." Willow's eyes were wide, and Amity gave a sheepish smile, she couldn't tell if that was intended as a jab or if her awe was genuine.

"Yes, well mother and father had things added on and redecorated." The two women walked up the stairs to Amity's room and sat on her bed.

"So what is it you need? Or did you just wanna hang out." Willow asked her eyes fixed on Amity's shaking hands.

"Any other time I would love to...but...the Emperor has asked me to do something..." Amity paused, her mind racking through her thoughts, "Willow he wants me to use Luz to get to the portal. If I don't...he'd kill me, he has someone who looks exactly like Luz and Belos he's a h-"

"If you do he'll kill you both." Amity's heart stopped, she had never thought of that. It all made sense to her now, the Emperor didn't need her, that's why she wasn't on the mission. "You're expendable." Her bluntness was shocked Amity, so much she got up and sat down at her Vanity and pulled out black lipstick applying it too her lips. "And why do you need to think about this? Luz would sacrifice herself for you willingly, and you know she would." Amity slammed her lipstick on the table, harshly standing up.

"I never asked her to do that!" Amity was angry now, her fangs were bared and eyes lit with fire.

"Amity! Hold on I'll get you!" Amity held onto the stone ledge with a death grip, Luz was at the top reaching out a tan brown hand. "Come on! Just grab my hand!" Amity looked down at the plummeting drop below her, a drop from that high could kill her. Luz was right, she never should've gotten that close.

"I-I can't..." Fear over took her mind all she was focused on was keeping her hands from slipping.

"Come on, it's not the fall that'll kill you, it's the fear." Amity scoffed at Luz's so called "wisdom".

"Ya know the pointy rocks at the bottom might help fear out." Luz leaned out more to get closer to her.

"Just grab my hand!" Amity finally reached out and Luz gripped her hand tightly, Luz shut her eyes and took a deep breath. "Ok, now I'm gonna swing you up to the top, you ready?" Amity swallowed the lump in her throat, and nodded, before she knew it Luz had used her weak nerd arms to swing her up onto the top of the cliff. What she didn't know is that the momentum of the swing would send Luz off the edge of the cliff.


"You didn't have to Amity, and she shouldn't have to ask you to do the same." Amity sat back in her chair defeated, a few long strands of hair had fell from the confinements of the small ponytail she wore, and softly rested on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror, her long brown hair was slightly ruffled and she could see the hurt and pain in her own. Her eyes looked at her white robe and mask, hung on the corner of her wardrobe, through the mirror. A sigh escaped her lips, she stood up smoothing out her hair

"I've always wanted to be a double agent."

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