The Plan

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I just hit 10k. Big milestone. I'm so thankful for all my readers. Happy Christmas my guys, gals, and non binary pals.

"So Willow and Gus were kidnapped? By the Emperor's coven? Why would the Emperor take them, they're nothing special." Boscha said pacing the floor, her hand in her hair, "I mean Willow is special, and ya know Gus." Luz cocked an eyebrow, Boscha was acting awfully suspicious in her worried tone when talking about Willow.

"What's Willow to you?" Luz asked bluntly, Boscha hesitated, closing her eyes.

"She doesn't matter... What matters is that we get them back safely." Amity sunk back into her chair, running her hand through her loose a burn hair.

"I could get you in." Luz perked up at Amity's sentence, "I'm the head of the Emperors Coven, Belos most likely has them at the strong hold, all we'd need is..."

"Wookie Gambit." Luz said softly her eyes to the floor, she knew the only way to get them was to turn herself in, and who knows what Belos would do to her after he got her.

"Luz no..." Amity said taking her hand in her own squeezing it tightly, pulling her gaze to Amity's.

"I can't believe you watched Star Wars." Luz put her hand to her chest and out on a cute frown. "But...I have to...for Willow and Gus." Boscha sat down her hands griping her knees tightly.

"What's the plan Luz?" Amity asked. Luz and Boscha had discussed the plan together before hand all the need was to get Amity on board, which Luz didn't think would be that easy.

"Boscha and I will be taken in by you. When they take us to where the emperor is holding Willow and Gus, I'll use my glyphs to spring them, Boscha will help me get them out. Bing bang boom, done." Amity sat in her chair confused as to her part in the an.

"What about me?" Boscha inhaled placing a hand on her shoulder and looking into her eyes, Luz averted her eyes, waiting for the moment in waiting.

"You're the sex appeal." Amity's face was painted in shock, her jaw slack.

"The sex appeal?"

"You're the most...gifted... out of the three of us." Boscha said flicking her eyes south of Amity's gaze. "You just lean over a tiny bit, stroke Z's arm, when she takes you to her room, which if she's anything like Luz she definitely will." Luz's face lit up red like a Christmas tree as she buried her face in her hands, "Slip her some roof berries and you'll be golden." The look Amity wore was one of pure disappointment, she got up and walked away.

"You two are... I...this plan is going to hell." Luz smacked Boscha on the arm glaring at her.

"I told you she'd hate it." Boscha slapped her arm back rolling her eyes.

"It was your plan idiot."
Ropes wrapped Luz's wrists, rubbing harshly against the thin tan skin there. Amity had a tight grip on her bicep, hard enough to cause Luz some slight discomfort, her white robe flailing in the wind as she dragged her and Boscha across the drawbridge. The white of her robe ironically matched Luz's white sleeveless turtleneck that exposed the large burn mark on her arm.

"Come on Amity. I know you don't want to, I sure as hell don't want you to do it, but we need to convince them that I put up a fight." Luz said holding out her forearm, Amity swalllwed thickly before a purple flame appeared in her palm.

"Do it." Luz said as Amity pressed the flame to the skin of Luz's arm. Luz's scream echoed the room as her flesh melted away. Amity quickly pulled her hand away revealing the dark discoloration of the burn on Luz's skin.

"That was a lot worse than getting bitten by a wolf ." Luz laughed out weakly sweat gracing her forehead.

The large doors to the Emperor's strong hold slowly swung open. Several coven guards, dressed clad in white, stood behind Z, her scar glistening in the light of the moon. Amity pushing Luz and Boscha towards her, faking a smug look on her face.
"Brought presents for you." Z took off her mask, hooking it to the belt wrapped around her waist that was hidden by her white cloak.

"Take them!" Z commanded with a deep booming voice, the coven guards marched towards them in single file. Large gloved hands painfully gripped her arms and stood at her side waiting for instruction. Amity walked towards Z, swaying her hips teasingly. Once she got to Z she placed a hand on her bicep a slightly leaning on her in a seductive way, a devilish grin playing on Z's face. Whatever they were talking about Luz couldn't hear from where she was. Z raised a hand signaling the guards to move forwards. Boscha and Luz were roughly dragged forward Z, the guards dragging Luz stopped while the ones with Boscha continued into the strong hold. Boscha turned to look back at her, fear struck blue eyes disappeared as she was taken around the corner. Z bent down to Luz's eye level.

"And you. I've got a special surprise for you." Z smiled before looking up at the guards and waving them away as she stood back up. As she was dragged Luz turned back to Amity just as they had planned.

"Amity don't do this!! Don't let them take me!!! Please!!!" Luz screamed just as they had all planned. As she rounded the corner fear flooded her system.
Great the plan just went to shit.

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