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Popularity wasn't the only thing Boscha was invested in. For a time she loved her family and her older brother, but as time went on, as she grew older things changed. Her parents became stricter, demanding the best from her, and Soarin, after he joined the Emperors coven and got engaged to Amity Blight he's never been the same.

Boscha slumped into her chair staring at the ceiling of her room racking her brain of thoughts. Grudgby trophies lined shelves and glimmered in the light of the sun. Her mirror sat in front of her reflecting an image she'd quite like to erase from the world. Her pink hair was down with her bangs slightly breathing on the sides of her face. Blue eyes looked back at her behind thin framed glasses.

"Mom! Dad! Help!" A loud crash came from the down stairs living room, Boscha quickly set her glasses on the table before rushing out of her room to find Soarin on the ground his hands to his crotch a small blotch of blood stained on his uniform. Tom and Janna  Bates rushed into the room and knelt to the ground. Her mother brushed her dark blue hair out of her two brown eyes, she always told Boscha she got the blue from her grandmother.

"What happened?" Tom asked his voice deep and unwavering. Tears were streaming down his face as he stuttered out, "It was the human! She broke my dick!" Boscha let out a snort at that, causing her father head to whip around his three red eyes glaring back at her.

"What? It's funny." Boscha shrugged, "Plus you probably deserve it considering what you do to Amity." Her parents looked at each other before their attention turned back to her.

"What did he do to Ms. Blight?" Janna asked as her father tan his hands through spiky pink hair.

"Oh you know the usual toxic bullshit he does, raping her, beating her." Loud gasps came from them both as they looked at down at Soarin who was still very much in pain. Her mother slowly backed away from him standing next to Boscha.

"I can't believe you would do this no son of mine would ever. I am breaking off the engagement with the Blights immediately." She rushed off into her office harshly slamming the door behind her. Tom looked up at her smiling.

"Boscha darling it's best now if you leave. Your brother and I need to have a serious man to man conversation." Boscha nodded before walking back to her room. She felt no remorse for what she just did, her brother was a fuck face and he deserved whatever was coming to him.

A loud ding drew Boscha's attention to her phone which was sitting on her desk next to her glasses. It was a text that read

Meet me in 5?

Boscha smiled already typing her response, and with the click of a button it sent and she was on her way.

Boscha sat in a chair, that sat in a little house, that sat in the woods. Her knee was bouncing from nerves before she felt a soft hand resting on it calming her down. She looked up and smiled. Soft lips met her own and she smiled into the tender kiss. Boscha pulled away resting her head on her secret lovers.

"Hey 5 eyes." They said smiling Boscha scoffed before replying.

"I liked the greeting you had there half a witch." Willow laughed jokingly pushing Boscha away from her only to be scooped up into the pink haired girl's arms.

"So funny. Like I haven't heard that one." Boscha carried her to the bedroom and gently set her on the bed before laying beside her, both of them facing each other. "I missed you." Willow whispered smiling Boscha gently held her hand, her eyes were gentle almost sad.

"I hate this, I hate hiding us..." Willow cupped her face pulling her gaze upwards to Willow's eyes.

"I know babe..." Boscha pulled Willow closer to her so now Boscha's chins was gently resting on Willow's head.

"I love you." Boscha whispered out before she even knew what she was saying, they weren't like most couples just throwing "I love yous" like free candy. She tensed at Willow's silence, maybe she didn't feel the same after they had never said it to each other before. But all Boscha's fears were washed away as the  green haired witch took her hand into her own, before humming back, "I love you too."

"Hey you ok?" Boscha asked Amity as they sat together in class, "How did the break up go?" Amity sighed and rested her head on Boscha's shoulder closing her eyes.

"Can we talk about it later?" The auburn haired witch asked, Boscha nodded before rushed footsteps got closer to their classroom door. Luz the human raced in panting. She was much taller and hotter, she had seen Amity grow and get unsurprisingly attractive but Luz was not what she expected her too look like.

"Amity....huff...." Luz swallowed thickly before walking to the desk placing her large hands on it. "...Willow and Gus are missing..." Boscha's eyes widened in fear.


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